Image by rony michaud
The American mathematician Robert Kaplan once said: “If you look at zero you see nothing; but look through it and you will see the world.”
Although zero (0) does not play a part in name analysis [numerology], it is nonetheless extremely important in numerical terms. Its position in a number is significant (01,10,100,…for example); it represents change and prepares us for a higher plane.
Zero helps us to attain the next level—added to 1, it becomes 10. Number 0 teaches us to look ahead and cast off any doubts we have about our lives.
The key to 0 is trust; then resolution and liberation can take place for the benefit of everyone. The 0 unites archetypes (the numbers 1–9) to form a whole.
When calculating our numbers, the result is 0 when an expression number or date of birth contains 19, 28, 37, or 46….;when these numbers are added together, the total is 10.
In addition, for someone born in the tenth month or with a birthday on the 10th, 20th, or 30th day of the month, the 0 indicates new possibilities. The year of birth number is similarly important (for example, 1990, 2010, 2020….).
Although 0 is still a relatively young number, first used around1,000 years ago, its symbol, a circle, is one of the most ancient signs used by humankind. It represents perfection, the female principle, the roundness of the Earth, harmony, wholeness, and unity. The ellipse (an oval) is also used to represent 0 and conveys a sense of safety and protection, like the aura that cocoons the body. It is the primal form of all planetary frequencies.
When a number is placed in front of 0, its meaning is increased tenfold, a hundredfold, and so on. Every number can therefore be multiplied to infinity.
The 0 is the absolute expression of God’s boundless creative potential.
The Healing Crystal for 0: Sugilite
Sugilite is very special, uniting within it all that is heavenly and all that is earthly. It has been described as a “New Age” stone as it boosts consciousness and stabilizes the psyche. Sugilite helps us to be open to change and therefore provides support when we are fearful and are undergoing difficult life situations. It brings the gifts of wisdom, clarity, and boundless energy.
Talents and Abilities
Zero is the number of transformation and new beginnings. We connect with it to unite our souls with the Divine. Zero represents power and energy that is not yet present but may yet still come about. It closes the circle of numbers and combines the powers of number 9 to form a whole, bringing humankind into a new cycle of tens.
For zero people, life has any number of challenges, with constant change and transformation. Despite external adversity, they are able to express their own individuality and as travelers between worlds they are always in the right place at the right time.
Zero people also look ahead to the future and so are often one step ahead of others. However, they do not forget to live in the present. Their particularly powerful intuition allows them to dare to innovate.
Zero people strive for wisdom and so demonstrate potential for great spiritual growth. Blessed with good memories and powerful imaginations, they have the ability to think on a grand scale, seeing the big picture. They also favor a gentle approach, acting in a conciliatory and consolidating manner. They are caring, reliable, and flexible, believing in the essential good in others.
Zero people feel they are part of a greater whole, and everyone is equal in their eyes. They therefore interact with others in a friendly, open, and helpful manner, with no ulterior motive; instead their focus is on openness, being non-judgmental, fair, and objective.
Crystals that Boost Talents and Abilities
Watermelon tourmaline is one of the most diverse gemstones in the mineral kingdom. It channels and guides our energy, both physical and mental, and so connects every aspect of our being—our life experiences, opinions, and attitudes are all brought together in a meaningful context. It also enhances the body’s vibrations, boosts spiritual activity, and fosters openness and tolerance. Every day is a new beginning and has something special in store for the soul; it demonstrates the diversity of what is possible.
Larimar brings happiness and exerts a protective effect. It aligns with human consciousness and is an excellent crystal for light-work and healing. It reminds people of their “higher selves” and, if it is in harmony with our soul’s destiny, will give us what we long for. It brings inner peace, reveals creative solutions, rewards honesty, reinforces self-discipline, increases sensitivity, and helps the mind to simply allow things to happen, rather than trying to manipulate proceedings.
Zero people like to get straight to the point and so often blurt things out without thinking. They don’t like taking orders—if you try to convince them to do something, you can be sure they will do the opposite. They are extremely stubborn, selfish, clingy, and restless, with a tendency to be oversensitive. If they don’t keep their eccentricity and obstinacy in check, they risk appearing rebellious, although in fact this is the last thing they would want.
Sometimes it is almost as though they have a death wish, risking their lives when they push their limits in taking on hazardous challenges. Their thinking can be hopelessly confused, but they are happy to sacrifice themselves for others, either because they are seeking recognition or are scared of being chastised.
Crystals that Balance Out Weaknesses
Stromatolite makes life enjoyable and varied, with periods of rest, relaxation, and activity. It makes us willing to compromise so that we can go with the flow of life. This makes it an ideal meditation crystal as it helps us to process our experiences in life.
Blue quartz has a gentle effect on the wearer and is quick to help soothe racing thoughts. It conveys calm and patience, and promotes empathy; it combats discontent and self-loathing, and cleanses our minds and our moods. This gemstone also instills stability and has a reenergizing effect.
Aragonite brings a sense of calm to the oversensitive and those who feel restless or uneasy, or to those who tend to act rashly and in a volatile manner. It has a stabilizing effect on spiritual development and is good at preserving calm in stressful situations. Thanks to its capacity for promoting concentration, it is useful in situations where we need to be silent and still.
Pyrite sun* brings light and has a stimulating effect on all our chakras. It stabilizes mind and body and brings about great change in life. It is particularly useful against self-loathing or even a death wish, as it infuses the body with love. (* Pyrite sun is available only as a disk-shaped mineral or as smaller fragments of this.)
Zero people want to understand others and bring them together as a community. Their goal is to find masterful perfection in their own individuality in order to prepare their fellow human beings for a new world and to lead them there. New opportunities and ways forward will present themselves and if zero people face up to their challenges, they will find realistic solutions to their problems.
Their ability to get through life—plowing a solitary furrow if they have to—gives zero people the courage to complete new and even quite unconventional projects, supported by their good memories and powerful imaginations. They get along well with other people and prove sociable companions and skillful speakers. Their big concern is to “act for the good of all while harming no one.”
Crystals that Support Ambitions
Agates** bring good luck for the new era, along with inner stability and spiritual maturity, protection and a sense of security. They also instill courage and persistence. (** The agate family is varied with a particularly wide range of signature styles. The best known are Botswana agate, lace agate, fire and water agate, snakeskin, peace, and dendritic agate.)
Peace agate deserves special mention in relation to the zero. It helps peace to come to the world, while its white light dispels violence and aggression. It promotes purity, insight, and patience, and provides support in the conscious processing of our experiences. Agates that contain clear quartz at their core boost our powers of recall, even of the time before birth and/or after death.
- All possibilities and new paths are opening within me. Joy, strength, and courage are my companions.
- My intuitions and perceptions are strong; I have unlimited potential at my disposal and I trust my universal guidance.
- I perfectly inhabit the “here and now,” and I use my abilities for the good of all.
Other Balancing and Harmonizing Crystals
Beige-brown “cappuccino” jasper centers us, bringing calm, persistence, and grounding. It is perfect for gentle, diffident people as it instills strength, expressive power, and commitment; it also promotes maturity and stability.
Vesuvianite helps us to assimilate all aspects of our personalities and helps to free us from addiction and bad habits. It grounds us in the real world and makes us strong and consistent.
Chrysopal opens us up to new sensations and experiences, encourages our sense of community, brings enthusiasm, and stimulates child-like curiosity. It also helps if we are in need of emotional release and will take the weight of the world from our shoulders, allowing us to see the miracles of life.
Healing Effects On The Body
Sugilite can be used in cancer therapy and for mental health problems. As it alleviates pain, it has a powerful effect on physical illnesses.
Watermelon tourmaline promotes the regeneration of nerves, is effective against multiple sclerosis, and helps couples trying to start a family.
Larimar eases birth trauma and promotes growth in children; it reinforces bone and has a positive effect on the airways.
Stromatolite is useful against intestinal disorders. It also helps to boost the metabolism and encourages mobility.
Blue quartz calms the nerves and alleviates pain in chronic back strain.
Aragonite regenerates intervertebral discs and helps combat meniscus and joint pain.
Pyrite sun is effective against all kinds of pain, sciatica, and rheumatism, and helps to soothe knee and back complaints; it also provides support against diabetes.
Agate is good for mother and child during pregnancy and helps with conditions affecting the skin and womb; it also reduces inflammation in the stomach area.
Beige-brown “cappuccino” jasper can be used for the stomach and colon.
Vesuvianite detoxifies and deacidifies the body.
Chrysopal detoxifies and strengthens the kidneys and the immune system. It also helps to ease water retention
English edition copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher, EarthDancer,
an imprint of Inner Traditions.
Article Source
Crystals and Numerology: Decode Your Numbers and Support Your Life Path with Healing Stones
by Editha Wuest and Sabine Schieferle
Numerology offers a surprisingly accurate tool to gain insight into your character, talents, and abilities by analyzing the numbers in your birthdate, the numeric values of the letters in your name, and the numbers that serendipitously appear in your life again and again. While our personal numbers are the mirror that reflects our inner world, crystals are our helpers in the outer world to harmonize the energies we were born with. They are gifts from the earth that we are offered to unfold our divine potential. Through their beauty and wisdom, they can help us be more in tune with our destiny.
In this full-color guide, the authors explain how to calculate your personal numbers and work with the healing energies of gemstones to unfold the full potential your numbers reveal.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here
More books by Editha Wuest
About the Authors
Editha Wuest has been working with crystals, numerology, and alternative healing methods for many years. Since 1995 she has maintained her own counseling and coaching practice and leads seminars and courses. She lives near Munich, Germany. Visit her website (German language) at
Sabine Schieferle is a numerologist with many years of experience. She lives near Munich, Germany.