Expansion: Growing Beyond Limits and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
Image by Gerd Altmann

It can be difficult for some people to step outside their comfort zone -- for me that is definitely the case. Who doesn’t like their comfort? But nothing beautiful ever grows in these surroundings.

Awakening to see and understand new things doesn’t always make sense at first, but there is a subconscious knowing. Grasping the vastness of the world we live in comes by receiv­ing information through many channels. Through books, tele­vision shows, online videos, and music. Through meditation, dreams, and exercise. Through uplifting creativity and devas­tating loss. Through conversations and whispered questions between friends about subjects that are normally off-limits.

The old paradigm that the world is just a big machine, and the human being is just a biological meat puppet, is a lie. Despite desperate efforts by the protectors of that orthodoxy to con­ceal the truth, the truth is leak­ing out and spreading person to person. And best of all, it’s the truth you already know inside you because it is imprinted in the roots of your being.

Once that bell is rung, it continues vibrat­ing within you, and the resonance spreads out all directions to attract to you, information, knowledge, people, and experience so you too can live in the light. You can know the truth. You can be the truth.

Stepping Over the Threshold of Your Comfort Zone

There is more to know than we have been taught. It’s like finding a secret room in your home -- the door opens and of course, you want to know what’s inside. But will you muster the courage to step over that threshold?

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It’s dark in there at first, and what you encounter will make you uncomfortable. It will challenge your beliefs and crack you open so the light can penetrate into your depths.

Fortunately, people want to understand everything they are experiencing, and it is pushing them out of their comfort zone. Many of my clients have come searching for answers. They are beginning to hear, see, feel and experience things for the first time, and encountering the truth in ways they can’t deny. Their comfort zone is no longer comfortable. It is all happening at a time that we believe is a turning point for our world.

Right on cue, my cell phone buzzes with a text message. It’s from Sedonah, reaching out to me to offer another healing ses­sion. Synchronicity is a regular feature of my life now -- every­thing comes to me as it’s needed -- and I’m learning to go with the flow. My perception is changing, too, and the processes of learning and growth are accelerating.

I will expand greatly over the next few weeks -- it is life-chang­ing -- and it is exhilarating but exhausting. Lots of rest is needed to integrate it. Sedonah is a member of this magic circle coming together -- of course I will accept her offer to have another healing session!

It’s quite different than the last one. Last time, she focused on my heart. This time she focuses on my head. Color and light explode in my mind’s eye. Neurons reconnect energetically. I see past lives emerge right before me, giving me a clearer understanding of who I am at a soul level.

This is the turning point where a new life opens up. I am born again. Sedonah’s sound magic absorbs into my being and pene­trates my cells. The rapid changes occurring integrate and be­come a permanent part of me. I am synthesizing spirit into my body. I breathe in deeply knowing I am again divinely guided and protected.

After the session, Sedonah shares her version of the experience and says it is like nothing she has ever seen before. “This re­connection will help you exponentially expand, Terri-Ann!”

How does one explain expansion? Is it felt? Understood? How do we go beyond what we know?

Spirit creates a way for us to see a new world. A quiet world. A world of infinite stillness where quiet opens us up to all that is. Source. Creation. Connection with our ancestors and multidimensional beings that bring knowledge and awakening to our human being. They are there to help us along our path that can at times seem lonely and inundating. We expand to assimilate and control these experiences and the energy that comes with them.

In Quiet, Limitations Are Lifted

Stillness is the thread that binds everything together. When you see behind the curtain that separates physical reality from infinity, what you find is timeless stillness. And in that stillness, that eternal peace, everything is perfect as it is. It’s beautiful.

\As we expand we incorporate more of that perfection, that peace, and that beauty. We begin as a rough lump of clay and the end result, after expansion, is a masterpiece. And we all get there eventually, following our individual paths and going about it our individual ways. We have eternity to make it.

Meditation is a wonderful way to connect with the higher self as well as divine love. When spirits work with us they are help­ing us open to what is and to all that we are. We have to find the quiet and stillness in meditation to hear them.

It can be difficult for people to listen to their inner knowing. The ego is loud at times. It is important to tune out all the noise to hear spirit.

Signs Come Through Dreams

Many signs come through dreams. It is the easiest way for spirit to communicate with us. During dream time we are free of logic and the egoic mind.

Dreams can be very metaphori­cal and open us up to our potential, showing us what we truly are as spiritual beings temporarily residing in human bodies. We can use the metaphors and symbols offered by our dreams to decipher their messages and find our individual path to expansion.

Dr. Carl Jung, the famous dream psychologist, calls the process “individuation.” It means becoming a complete, self-actualized being, and it is a process of expanding to consciously integrate your unconscious and actualize your potential. Your awareness expands outward by going within yourself, and you go within yourself by shutting the hell up for a while and just listening to the stillness within you.

Dream symbols are layered with meaning. Brush away the surface meaning and you find another layer beneath it, then another, then another. Body, mind, heart, spirit -- one dream symbol can speak simultaneously to all layers.

Dream symbols are amazingly potent and loaded with information. They not only come from the deeper reality of stillness and peace that underlies what we know as reality, but they are also gateways to it.

Working with dreams is our best way to expand and individuate.

In our dreams we rest and heal. It’s the dreaming mind’s first priority -- the body must recuperate and rejuvenate. At other times while dreaming we travel in spirit, receive messages, and gather together as a spiritual community in a dimension­al space outside of ordinary space-time.

These dream experi­ences are seldom remembered consciously because they oc­cur during the Delta stage of sleep when brainwave patterns are slowest and the conscious mind is totally zonked out. But subconsciously you carry with you everything you learn and experience.

Opening To Messages and Intuition

A lot of people are opening, awakening, and beginning to see, hear, and feel messages coming through from the other side. It happens while dreaming and meditating, and at other times.

When you are opening to messages and intuition it is import­ant to remember that expansion occurs in layers as well. It takes time and is not an overnight process.

Each human being has their own spiritual path to follow. Free will also plays a role.

Spiritual paths challenge us and offer lessons to learn while we are here. This all helps to ensure you are well on your way to opening to the vast processes of awakening and expansion.

I ask Anthony, “what else can you tell me about this expansion?”

Ma, expansion for you is a process of undoing. This undoing is to the thousands of years of cellular memory that have been stored in your DNA and fills you with limiting beliefs.

While not everyone will open to this expansion, to ensure that you are opening to it you shall spend much time in nature and meditation. Quieting the mind to stillness allows for much information to come through. While following this guidance it is important to keep track of all that is coming through; it is a puzzle for you to follow.

I am in a process of expansion myself. Here we also undergo changes. I am growing my energy rapidly -- much growth in a short time. Ascending quickly, you could say. I am changing, and growing my energy to expand outwards greatly.

There are many different levels in the spirit world and I have only seen a few with Anthony since he shed his physical body. I am learning as I go, from my greatest teacher. I lost my son and gained the strongest guide.

I’m glad I didn’t know what I agreed to in our soul contract when all this happened. I would have dialed up God and de­manded, who do you think you are taking my son from me? No way would I have agreed to it, but now that I see the beauty growing from it, I can’t argue (as much). I see the higher pur­pose at work here.

Pain, grief, darkness, despair -- they are flames that burn away everything that weighs down spirit. This path is one of con­stant challenge.

Comfort? Say goodbye and trade it for the peace that surpasses understanding.

©2020 by Terri-Ann Russell. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpted with permission. Publisher: Lisa Hagan Books.

Article Source

From Death To Life: The Incredible True Story of Anthony Joseph
by Terri-Ann Russell

From Death To Life: The Incredible True Story of Anthony Joseph by Terri-Ann RussellTerri-Ann Russell takes us on a journey of loss, love and finally acceptance of the death of her treasured son, Anthony Joseph in her debut book. She leads us on a voyage of self-discovery, as she can now understand and feel what her clients have experienced for decades.

For more info, or to order this book, click here. (Also available as a Kindle edition.)

About the Author

Terri-Ann RussellCurrently the owner and founder of Sassy Soul Energy Healing in Sedona, Arizona, Terri-Ann Russell was guided to the area while meditating on a hiking trip to the famous Airport Mesa Trail. She soon found herself guided to the Sedona Soul Sisters, an organization of gifted professional psychics who “welcomed her home” with open arms and with whom she is now associated as a member of the staff. Considered a multi-dimensional healer, Terri-Ann works through angels such as Archangel Michael and Mother Mary, as well as with other galactic beings. Her training is extensive in Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki, Theta healing, Quantum healing, and Energy Transfer Reset, as well as her own modality: Soul Matters Activations.

Video/Presentation with Terri-Ann Russell: Grounding Meditation with Mother Earth
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