If you are in love with a Gemini man or woman, give him or her elusivity and a lot of space alone. This individual needs a great deal of stimulation to stay interested and you will be much more appealing if you have some interests and friends of your own.
If you are in love with a Leo man or woman, the most important thing you can give him or her is your attention. This is one mate who will charm and caress you, make passionate love with you, dance with you into the wee hours of the morning, give you the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
If you are in love with a Libra man or woman, give him or her your attention and your company. This is one individual who truly wants to share as much as possible in life and will be a faithful and dedicated partner if given the chance
If you are in love with a Pisces man or woman, give him or her attention and sympathy. You have met here an individual who will quietly listen to the tales of your days -- good and bad -- and desires only the same consideration in return.
If you are in love with a Sagittarius man or woman, give him or her freedom and honesty. This is one honey who will resist any and all efforts to be pinned down too definitively and you would do best to understand this from the start. He(she) needs plenty of rope.
If you are in love with a Scorpio man or woman, give him or her your full attention and devotion. Sharp as a tack, this person definitely notices everything. You will be able to keep no secrets here; this individual is an expert at ferreting them out.
If you are in love with a Taurus man or woman, understand that this person is a one-woman man or a one-man woman (unless Gemini predominates elsewhere in the natal chart). Primarily interested in security, this being is looking to settle down
If you love a Virgo, give him or her attention to detail. Some -- but not all -- Virgos are neatniks and cannot stand living in a mess. Others need for you to acknowledge their ideas or accomplishments
Coiling and hissing at us comes the Chinese Year of the Snake. The Snake, or in Chinese "she" is a cunning and smart animal who is resourceful and has supernatural powers. Traditionally, the Snake has some characteristics in common with the animal of the preceding year, the Dragon.