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Narrated by Sarah Varcas
All dates and times are UT so may vary in your time zone.
13th March 2021 (10:22 a.m. UT) – New Moon in Pisces Conjunct Venus and Neptune
This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would otherwise avoid. This moon reminds us that anyone’s life can change in the blink of an eye: the mighty fall, the rich lose everything, the healthy become sick and our greatest loves can be lost to us.
How we respond to the calamities of life dictates our current character and future choices. It can be all too easy to judge another on who they are today without knowing the journey that brought them here: the aching disappointments, devastating losses and bitter regrets. We all have a back story – a path which has led us to now. No one is immune to the vagaries of life. It is this truth which connects us all.
The remedy is love
With four planets currently in the sign of the fishes...
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About the Author
Sarah Varcas is an intuitive astrologer with a passion for applying planetary messages to the ups and downs of everyday life. In doing so she aims to support people in their personal and spiritual development, making available celestial wisdom which may otherwise be inaccessible for those without astrological expertise.
Sarah has studied astrology for over thirty years alongside an eclectic spiritual path spanning Buddhism, contemplative Christianity and many other diverse teachings and practices. She also offers an online (via email) Self-Study Astrology Course.
You can find out more about Sarah and her work at www.astro-awakenings.co.uk.