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Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans.
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Current and previous weeks astrological overviews
Astrological Overview: March 13 - 19, 2023
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Aspects of Note this Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; For Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), add 8 hours.
MON: No major aspects are exact today
TUE: Mars square Neptune
WED: Sun conjunct Neptune
THU: Mercury conjunct Neptune, Sun square Mars, Venus square Pluto, Venus enters Taurus, Mercury square Mars
FRI: Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus sextile Saturn
SAT: Mercury sextile Pluto, Mercury enters Aries
SUN: Mercury semisquare Uranus
COUNTDOWN: We are entering the final week of the astrological year, which begins on the March Equinox and follows the Sun through all twelve signs of the zodiac. This is also the closing week of the current lunar cycle, as well as the last full week before Pluto enters Aquarius.
With this being a time of completion, dreams at night may be especially focused on past issues or relationships right now, as we revisit ways in which we once gave our power away or played a victim role. While it can be disconcerting to experience emotions and remember episodes we'd rather forget, it is good to know that other levels of our consciousness are processing those experiences, so that we can be freed from their weight and move beyond them.
FORGIVENESS AND RELEASE: Planets in Pisces help us with the process of forgiving and letting go of attachments. The Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn are all in the twelfth sign right now, making this an opportune time to make our peace with what has been. And, this week, there are quite a few aspects involving these planets, challenging us to embrace this process more fully and intentionally.
As I've shared before, I personally find that the best way to proceed is not to try to forgive someone (or ourselves) for past transgressions, simply because when we say "I forgive you for ____," our minds and emotions can again get caught up in the unfairness of whatever act filled in that blank. Instead, if we say, "I am Forgiveness," and allow that feeling to fill our body, mind, and emotions, we do not have to revisit each individual infraction or mistake, but can move directly into the energy we prefer to embody.
ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Although Pluto's ingress into Aquarius is not until next week (March 23), this major event has been our radar for many years. This is because Pluto's sign changes are always significant, auguring a major shift and the start of a new phase in our individual and collective evolutionary process. As this powerful dwarf planet moves through a sign, it applies the intentions of Transformation and Empowerment to the areas of life ruled by that sign.
The last time Pluto was in socially-conscious and progressive Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. These two decades have been called the Age of Reason, also known as the Age of Enlightenment.
Among the list of events during those years that show Pluto's influence: the U.S. Constitution was ratified and the Bill of Rights was penned; the Industrial Revolution accelerated, with steam power revolutionizing transport and textiles; the planet Uranus was discovered, and John Mitchell advanced his theory of black holes.
Idealistic Aquarius is also concerned with equality and individual freedoms. In 1778, the state of Virginia was the first U.S. state to abolish slave trade, and in 1792, Denmark became the first nation to make the sale of humans illegal. The French Revolution that began in 1789 was built upon the concepts of liberté, égalité, et fraternité.
In 1794, an atheist religion called the Cult of Reason was founded, applying Aquarian scientific approach and natural skepticism to spiritual beliefs. In similar fashion, during Pluto's previous transit through Aquarius (1532 to 1553), Copernicus shocked existing scientific and religious thought systems by stating that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system.
Here in present day, with Saturn in Pisces activating the "spiritual but not religious" mindset and transformational Pluto entering metaphysically-aware Aquarius, it will be interesting to watch what new forms of religion (or rebellions against religions) manifest over the next few years.
More on Pluto's ingress into Aquarius in next week's Journal!
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars square Neptune: Our sense of what we desire (Mars) may be a bit confused (Neptune) this week, as our egos try to integrate our Soul's input in making decisions about where to go next. We may be questioning what we think and wondering if we still want what we once thought we wanted. This may not be the best time to make a firm decision about what direction to go, since old desires are being dissolved and new ones have not yet crystallized.
Sun conjunct Neptune: The intuitive takes precedence over the logical with this alignment. Following the flow of energy, rather than trying to control events, will be beneficial. We may also find it easier to access the ideals of compassion, altruism, and unconditional love today.
Mercury conjunct Neptune: The mind is adrift today; the poet speaks in fluid rhyme. Practical matters may be hard to focus on and we prefer to daydream or enjoy a creative activity.
Sun square Mars: A lack of attention to detail may be the source of irritation or argument.
Venus square Pluto: Relationships are tested and emotions are intensified. Unspoken resentments may surface, providing an opportunity for greater honesty.
Venus enters Taurus: While Venus is in Taurus, from March 16 to April 11, we tend to place a high value on loyalty and security in relationships. We feel drawn to experience beauty in all its forms, especially as it speaks to our five physical senses. On the shadow side, self-indulgence can be heightened with Venus in pleasure-seeking Taurus, and we might become overly attached to a certain form of relationship or a possession.
Mercury square Mars: Impatience can lead to quarrels and an inability to sit still long enough to truly hear another's perspective.
Sun conjunct Mercury: We speak from our hearts today, and can access greater compassion and understanding. Intuition and the imagination are enhanced, and we feel drawn to connect with our spiritual source or creative muse.
Venus sextile Saturn: A more mature and objective approach to relationship issues is possible today.
Mercury sextile Pluto: We are drawn to reflect on the deeper meanings of this week's events, and to honestly consider (or communicate) what changes we want to make going forward.
Mercury enters Aries: While Mercury is in Aries, from March 18 to April 3, our thinking and decision-making processes are speeded up, and we can be more direct and impulsive when we speak. An independent and courageous mindset supports novel ideas and approaches, and inspires taking new risks.
Mercury semisquare Uranus: We may feel especially irritated and even rebellious today if someone tries to tell us what to do or how to think.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your mind is very active this year, as is your imagination. There may be new ways that you want to share your ideas, either through teaching or writing, but journaling and other inner-focused activities are also supported. Along the way, you may need to overcome a certain irritation or impatience with not having a more specific direction; however, the ways that you do express your thoughts are likely to be very empowering and even transformational, both for yourself and for others. This realization can lead to a new understanding of your larger life mission. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, square Mars, conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto)
TRANSLATION and AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION: This weekly Journal is now recorded (in English) AND the text is transcribed into 30 languages! You'll see a row of flags under "Available Languages" in the upper right. And, there are options to listen to the audio (in English) or watch a video directly beneath the photo (see top of page).
The Journal entry is usually updated by Sunday evening, with the recordings appearing late Sunday or by Monday depending on your time zone. Please share this information with those who might benefit.
For previous weeks of the Astrological Journal, click here.
About the Author
Pam Younghans is a professional astrologer, editor, and writer. She lives in a log home northeast of Seattle, Washington with her beloved animal companions. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 25 years. If you are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail
For more information about NorthPoint Astrology offerings, please visit or visit her Facebook page.