Written by Radha Ruparell. Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
What would you reveal to the world if you weren’t afraid?
Chances are that there’s a piece of you that you aren’t sharing with others. We all have things we hide. Sometimes they’re our deep dark secrets. But other times, they’re the best parts of ourselves—our dreams, our hopes, or even our affection for others.
Somehow though, we all walk around the world with masks on, protecting ourselves from being fully seen, or from the risk of being judged.
But what would happen if we removed those masks for a moment?
I gave removing my “invisible mask” a try earlier this year as I faced a battle with long COVID and had to lean on others for support. I used to think that reaching out for help implied weakness, that strong people don’t complain and can tough it out. Now, I believe the opposite: admitting you can’t do it on your own is not weak at all.
In fact, the single most important thing that helped me through this terrifying health battle was learning to...
Continue Reading at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)
Read by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay
About the Author
RADHA RUPARELL is a cross-sector leader with expertise in leadership development and personal transformation. She works with CEOs, Fortune 500 senior executives, social entrepreneurs, and grassroots leaders from around the world and heads the Collective Leadership Accelerator at the global network Teach For All. Her new book is Brave Now: Rise Through Struggle and Unlock Your Greatest Self.
Learn more at bravenowbook.com.