I always had a feeling inside that there was something more to life. In a sense I had a great life—two wonderful kids, a husband, a successful business, a house—but even with all the trappings of what one might call “success” I found that life felt empty and meaningless. Often I would ask God, “What am I doing here? What is the point of all of this?”
One day, I went to meditate with a friend, and while there I met a lady called Giovanna. We clicked right away and I discovered that she works at a nonprofit organization that helps at-risk youth and had friends who worked with homeless people. A spark ignited in my heart, although I didn’t know why at the time.
One day, I stumbled across the movie Conversations with God, which was the story of spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch’s life and how he was homeless before he wrote the Conversations with God books that went on to sell millions of copies. The movie shook me to my core, particularly the scene where Mr. Walsch, with tears in his eyes, was forced to eat a half-eaten sandwich he found in a dumpster out of sheer hunger and desperation. It was what moved me to see what I could do to reach out to homeless populations in my hometown.
I remembered Giovanna and invited her to come have a chat with me and my daughter. At that first meeting, we spontaneously decided to go to the local park where we knew the homeless people hung out. It was cold, starting to get dark, and I have to admit that I felt scared. I wondered in the back of my mind whether they might be doing drugs, or whether they might rob us.
Nevertheless, we put our fears aside, ventured into the park, and found it in our hearts to give pizzas, blankets, and drinks to a group of homeless people. It felt really good, and that was our first taste of helping the homeless.
All You Need is Love
Around this time, our nephew, Vishal, passed away at age 30 after a battle with cancer that began when he was 18 years old. He had noticed a little bump on his leg, got it checked out, and the doctor diagnosed it as cancer. That was devastating news for the whole family. We all thought, How can a member of our family that has a temple and prays regularly get cancer? How can something so terrible happen to us?
We prayed and prayed, but the cancer never went away. Vishal had countless operations and strong bouts of chemotherapy between the ages of 18 and 30. Then the cancer spread to his lungs and he had pieces removed. Despite all of this, he constantly had a smile on his face, and nobody outside of his immediate friends and family would ever have guessed he had cancer. He partied hard too, and loved to have fun.
At his funeral we played a playlist he had created with his sister for his funeral. It was composed of all his favorite Beatles songs, including one of our favorites, “All You Need is Love.” He had also wanted everyone to down a tequila shot, and had even asked us to put some on his lips.
It was a very emotional day, and the amount of people who turned up was unbelievable. The whole funeral hall was packed full, and there were even people spilling out onto the street. Countless people approached Vishal’s mom saying how he had given so much love to them, and helped them in ways for which they expressed deep gratitude. No one in the family knew about these random acts of kindness, as he kept them to himself. He had passed away on Valentine’s Day, 2011.
Deep Into Meditation
A month later, in March, I traveled to India with my twin sisters, Malka and Alka. On the trip we met some very powerful spiritual teachers whom people typically do not get to see so easily. There was one guru—Radha Soami—who is very famous in India and always has crowds of people wanting to see him. He happened to walk right past us in the temple and looked right into our eyes, to our souls. We took that as a huge blessing.
Then we went to the town of Bangalore and meditated in a pyramid-shaped room with amazing energy. Each of us went very deep into meditation. In the bookshop after, we purchased half a suitcase full of Radha Soami’s books, and they all described the importance of meditation.
When we returned from India I held a meeting in my house, and we discussed how we all wanted to start meditating. That’s how our meditation group began, and we initially held it in Malka’s house. Before long more and more people turned up to join in with no effort or persuading on our part.
From Infinite Vision to Infinite Love
This is when I started playing with the idea of forming a nonprofit organization in memory of Vishal. We knew we had to include “love” in its name, as Vishal was all about love. The whole family brainstormed a name. Then, in Divine timing, Nipun sent me a book by his sister-in-law, Pavi Mehta, called Infinite Vision. As I looked at it, suddenly it came to me like a lightning bolt, and I said, “I’ve got it! Infinite Love!”
We went to our cousin Geeta’s office to decide upon the logo, and I said, “Because it’s called Infinite Love, the logo has to include an infinity sign.” Then Malka said, “Don’t you remember that my son has an infinity symbol tattooed on his arm?” I said, “Yes.” And then Malka said, “And do you remember why he has it?” I looked blank so Malka continued. “He got the tattoo done in memory of Vishal because when he was alive he always signed off with an “8” or an infinity sign on his paintings.”
One year after Vishal’s death, on Valentine’s Day 2012, Malka, Alka, Geeta, and I went to my aunt’s house to commemorate his one-year death anniversary. While there we announced the formation of Infinite Love in memory of Vishal. Everybody placed a red rose by his photo, and it felt like he was smiling down on all of us.
Miracles and Synchronicities
Then the miracles and synchronicities started to happen to an even greater degree than before. Someone gave us an office space for our weekly meditation groups and didn’t charge us for using it. The group began with only 15 people, and then it grew and grew until the space started to get tight. Just when we were wondering what to do, the people who owned the office space came to see us and announced that the business next door wanted to expand into our space. They said they had another space elsewhere that was bigger and that we could use that instead.
I loved the new venue as soon as I entered. Since acquiring the larger space, we now have 50 to 60 people attending our mediation group every week. We also have monthly Sunday Awakening events where renowned speakers come to Infinite Love to share their empowering messages with whomever would like to listen in the community. We would not have been able to expand in this way without being gifted with the larger space.
Forming Infinite Love has been catalytic in my own happiness. It’s an expression of who I am. Since we began I’ve received an incredible amount of love. The people in our community always thank us, but I thank them back, as they radiate so much love and light and many of them volunteer to help with our events and feeding the homeless people in the park. Because of the work we do, giving and helping others, I feel like I’m personally receiving an abundance of healing. It’s very exciting to watch, and I’m always thinking about how Infinite Love can expand.
©2015 Keidi Keating. Published by New Page Books
a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ.
800-227-3371. All rights reserved.
Article Source
The Light: A Book of Wisdom: How to Lead an Enlightened Life Filled with Love, Joy, Truth, and Beauty
by Keidi Keating.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author of this excerpt
Pooja Chugani along with her two sisters and cousin formed the organization Infinite Love after the death by cancer of her 30-year-old nephew. "He was a bright light in our family, and as it got closer to the time when we knew we were losing him, he would remind us -- 'I'm not leaving you. I'm just merging into the grass, the trees, the stars -- I will be part of everything.' We sat down and on Valentine's Day of 2012, we decided to honor him by spreading love in the world. And our movement was born." The organization, Infinite Love, is based in McAllen, Texas.
Watch a video: Power of Enough by Sunaina Chugani (Sunaina is Pooja Chugani's daughter)
About the Author of the book
Keidi Keating experienced a sudden spiritual awakening at the age of 30, after a series of transformational healing sessions. One night, an orb of glowing white light appeared in her bedroom and instructed her to put together a book of light to assist and support others on their journeys to enlightenment. She gathered some of the planet’s greatest spiritual teachers and authors to contribute chapters. Three years later, after a lot of hard work and synchronistic magic, The Light spilled its rays to readers. Keidi now speaks at events throughout the world, and she continues to write books that empower people to awaken their divine inner light. Her Website is www.keidikeating.com.