In this Article:
- The Duality of Mind: Explore how having two minds impacts your life.
- Good Fortune vs. Tragedy: Understand the origin of these experiences.
- Practical Application: Learn how to use this knowledge to influence your destiny.
Is Being of Two Minds The Cause of Good Fortune or Tragedy?
by Normandi Ellis.
There are many paths up the mountain, many paths on the Tree of Life. One path may be mystical and another scientific. Our minds contain multiple intelligences and ways of knowing.
The brain perceives varying vibrations of color, heat, light, and sound. Their degrees of intensity stretch beyond what human eyes and ears can know. But the mind also transmits thoughts, which are vibrations themselves.
Thought vibration is the essence of consciousness and of manifestation. We become what we think about, and we create what is in our thoughts constantly. Psychologist James Hillman in Re-Visioning Psychology reminds us that our words create our realities, seen and unseen. “We need to recall the angel aspect of (any) word, recognizing words as independent carriers of soul between people. We need to recall that we do not just make up words or learn them in school, or ever have them fully under control. Words, like angels, are powers which have invisible power over us.”
The battle ground between the angels in heaven or hell is neither myth, fantasy, nor historical fiction. The battle takes place every day within the self. We win by working within our own good and noble mental capacities. The battle ground lies within our thoughts, which precede our words and deeds. The mind is a human being’s most divine defense and its greatest weapon.
Those things that exist, from the densest rock to the most gossamer angel and things still unseen, all exhibit energy patterns that vibrate at varying rates. The higher rates occupy higher planes of existence, but by plane one does not mean a place or a condition per se, although it may have the qualities of both. Everything that exists in the cosmos emanates from the energy (vibration) of God.
Rabbi Philip Berg says all energy forces are both good and bad, formed by people’s words and deeds. “When a person occupies himself or herself with spirituality, prayer, meditation, and acts of sharing, the breath of air that leaves the mouth becomes a chariot, a vehicle for these angels—they are informants of our own creation. Although these positive and negative entities have existed since long before we came into this world, they remain dormant, in a state of suspension, until such time as we create the suitable garment or vehicle through which they reveal themselves or make themselves manifest.”
The Origin of Good Fortune or Tragedy
Good fortune or tragedy are not events suddenly thrust upon us by our Creator. Quite simply, we are solely responsible for what happens to us and for which angels appear in our lives. While angels have no free will of their own, Berg believes, “their essential energy is drawn to us by our words and our deeds.”
It is not bad karma that draws negative events and influences into our lives. Most often it is human error—bad choices, ignored instincts, or egoic responses to circumstances and people. All that is covered under the admonishment: “What were you thinking!?”
Cosmic Justice
Rather than labeling it bad karma, as if karma had nothing to do with one’s actions in this lifetime, Rabbi Cooper emphasizes cause and effect and calls it cosmic justice. “Cosmic justice,” he says, “is the spiritual law that every action, word, or thought reverberates throughout the universe.” Angels, he goes on to say, are concentrations of cosmic influence without dimension. They represent forces that raise consciousness.
As humans we find ourselves pulled and swayed between the positive or negative poles of existence, but nothing pulls the angels in either direction. That is because, as Rabbi Cooper notes, angels are fully immersed in God; again, they have no free will. This is true as well for demons. “This is one of the most important teachings of the Torah. Once we recognize the part within us that is connected with God, we can never be defeated.”
These rabbinical writings suggest that, although God created angels for the express purpose of maintaining balance within the cosmos, they have essentially evolved into entities that man alone creates. Whether they support or work against an individual depends on the purity and the level of consciousness of the individual.
This is an important point, worth underscoring through repetition here: God uses the available energies of the universe he has created, and these repetitive energies have evolved into entities or angels that man alone summons (or creates). Their appearance depends upon our own consciousness.
Being of Two Minds
In his conversation with Bill Moyers, American mythologist and lecturer Joseph Campbell spoke of the disparate polarity of spiritual beings and angels, saying, “[T]he meditation Buddhas appear in two aspects, one peaceful and the other wrathful. If you are clinging fiercely to your ego and its little temporal world of sorrows and joys, hanging on for dear life, it will be the wrathful aspect of the deity that appears. It will seem terrifying. But the moment your ego yields and gives up, that same meditation Buddha is experienced as a bestower of bliss.”
Another way to approach this idea is to remember Edgar Cayce’s admonition that we must protect ourselves from darker universal forces by vigilantly patrolling our own negative thinking and dark emotions. He underscored the power of the mantra and the power of the mind against dissolution. Spoken like an ancient Zoroastrian philosopher, Cayce implored his community to “stay close to the good, the light,” and to keep constructive thoughts and feelings uppermost.
We are all of two minds, and that becomes the problem—a divinely ordained problem that the human soul must work out. Dichotomy began when the mind created paired oppositions.
Choice—free will—becomes the salvation, the deciding factor. Humans would create hell on Earth if allowed to have their way. But if humans learned to control their egoic functions, their animal desires, and their mental capacities, the quality of their life experiences would alter them. They would attain the alchemical gold, the illumination of the soul.
Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of the publisher,
Healing Arts Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Intl.
Article Source:
BOOK: The Ancient Tradition of Angels
The Ancient Tradition of Angels: The Power and Influence of Sacred Messengers
by Normandi Ellis.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.
About the Author
Normandi Ellis is an award-winning writer, workshop facilitator, and director of PenHouse Retreat Center. The author of several books, including Awakening Osiris, and coauthor of Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt, she leads tours to Egypt with Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.
Visit the author's website:
Article Recap:
The concept of "Two Minds" delves into the dual nature of human consciousness, where thought vibrations play a pivotal role in manifesting good fortune or tragedy. This dichotomy, influenced by our conscious choices and mental attitudes, determines our experiences. Spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of aligning thoughts with positive energy to attract favorable outcomes and avoid negative consequences. Understanding this duality empowers individuals to influence their destiny through mindful thought and awareness.