(Editor's Note: There is no exact consensus about when Indigo children were born. Some say that the majority of Indigo children were born between the years of 1969 and 1987, with one source adding that about 30% were born in the 1950’s. Someone else specifies that if your child was born after 1992, there's a good chance they are an Indigo. Others say that the majority of Indigos were born between 1980 and 1990, while others say Indigos have been coming to Earth for the past 100 years. For the purposes of the material we are sharing here, we at InnerSelf feel that the following information applies to the "awakening souls" on the planet at this time, regardless of their age or whether they are classified as Indigos or not.)
Life Purpose: Personal & Global Mission
Every individual has a Life Purpose. This is the mission that you agreed to prior to your incarnation. There are two parts to your Purpose: a personal one and a global one. Your personal Purpose involves a particular characteristic that you're trying to develop in this life, such as patience or compassion. Your global Purpose involves discovering, developing, and using your natural talents and interests to help other people and the planet.
Some people have a Purpose that just affects a few, while others are spiritually contracted to help thousands of people. Just like in an orchestra, every player is equally important. The piccolo player and the first violinist are both crucial to the musics orchestration.
Your Life Purpose: Making the World A Better Place
In the same way, God and the world are counting on you to remember and work on your Life Purpose. Deep down, you probably know that you're here to make the world a better place. If you feel that you're not doing so, your inner self begins to nudge you. This nudging can take the form of anxiety or a sense of time urgency.
If you ignore the inner nudging, you may begin to feel empty or depressed. If you believe that others are blocking your urgings, you may blame them and feel angry or ripped off. If you feel unqualified to help the world, you may collapse into low self-esteem.
Global Life Purpose: Helping Usher in Peace
Each person has a global Life Purpose and a personal mission. The global mission is the overarching, or umbrella-like Purpose that you're engaged in. Your personal mission is the specific form that your Life Purpose is to take.
Indigo Children all share a similar global Life Purpose: to help usher in the New Age of Peace.
The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration.
-- Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
The Indigo Children
Heres how Hunter Zinkle, a 21-year-old Indigo Child, puts it,
"I know that my purpose is to help the human existence run a little smoother. I try to do my best with everyone I come in contact with, to help their lives seem a little easier and less convoluted. With a lot of my friendships, I feel like I'm opening the flower of life for them. With other friends, it seems like I'm their guide to life."
Hunter is a happy and well-adjusted Indigo Child because he knows his Purpose and is actively working on it. He knows that you don't have to wait until you get paid money for your Purpose before you begin working on it.
Helping Your Children Understand Their Altruistic Mission
Helping your children understand what their mission is helps them fill up the emptiness that comes from feeling like they don't matter. Most Indigos have received plenty of messages that they're "weird," "don't fit it," "are disordered," "are bad," "lazy," "not really trying," or "crazy."
Their self-esteem has taken a real beating by the time they reach adolescence. Yet, despite this form of abuse perpetrated by teachers, parents, and/or other school kids, Indigos still feel compelled to help others. What they need, usually, is some guidance on how to channel their altruism.
The following excerpt is excerpted from the book:
The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
It is reprinted with permission of the publisher, Hay House, Inc. The book is available at bookstores, by phone 800-654-5126, or via the Internet at www.hayhouse.com or at Amazon (link below).
About The Author
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. is a spiritual doctor of psychology who gives workshops across the country on intuition, spiritual healing, and manifestation. Dr. Virtue is a frequent guest on such talk shows such as Oprah, Geraldo, and Sally Jessy Raphael. Her articles have appeared in dozens of popular magazines and she is a contributing editor for Complete Woman. Her website is www.angeltherapy.com. She is the bestselling author of many books including: Healing With the Angels, The Lightworker's Way, Divine Prescriptions, and co-author of The Indigo Children.