Image by Gerd Altmann
This article, written by Neale Donald Walsch, is excerpted from the Preface of Ervin Laszlo's book: Reconnecting To The Source.
Why should we, why do we need to, reconnect to The Source? And what is The Source, and how do we connect with it? These are some urgent and now vital questions...
Let us take first the question of need and urgency. A few words will suffice, because the reason for it is in the daily news, and in the eyes and minds of our family, our friends, and every thinking person on this planet. It speaks loud and clear.
The positive, hope-filled expectations about our lives and our futures that prevailed but a decade or two ago have vanished. We are blundering forward, without a sense of purpose and without a vision of who we are and what we are here for.
We have lost touch with nature and the universe, lost the sense of community and oneness that is the foundation of health and well-being. We no longer know where to turn, or whom and what to trust. We are not even sure that we can survive the mounting crises that appear on the horizon. We appear to have lost our way.
We Can Find Our Way Again
The loss of orientation and meaning in today’s world is not irremediable. We can find our way again: we can reconnect to The Source. The Source is the quantum universe, the cosmic field that brought us forth and to which we can connect and reconnect.
We do not need to be devout followers of spiritual and religious doctrines to connect and reconnect with this Source. When we are in touch with ourselves, with our loved ones, and with nature and the world, we are in connection with The Source.
The Source is not something foreign, something beyond our reach. The Source is in us, the same as it is everywhere in the universe.
There Is No Absolute Separation
The quantum sciences are telling us that there is no absolute separation between “in here” and “out there”; between the here-and-now “local reality” we experience and the everywhere- at-all-times “global reality” that reigns in the quantum world.
Through our local world in here we can connect to the global reality out there. These are not walled domains, but aspects of one and the same universe. When we connect with The Source, we connect with ourselves and with the whole of this seamless quantum universe.
Allowing The Experience Of Connectedness
Connection with The Source is not something we can plan and prepare for. The connection is spontaneous. We know and feel when we are connected. It is vital that we allow the experience of connectedness penetrate our waking consciousness.
We need to rethink and reassess the spontaneous “connectedness experiences” that come our way. They are not as rare as most of us might think: they occur to many people.
We have been suppressing them from our waking consciousness because they are anomalous for our habitual concept of the world— they do not fit the Newtonian-Darwinian idea of life and reality. Thus we place these experiences on the back burner. We dismiss them as “spiritual” (meaning “woo-woo,” as opposed to real) experiences.
This was not always the case. Poets, prophets, artists and scientists in the classical cultures knew and valued the experiences of connection that came to them spontaneously. Sensitive and insightful people seek and value them today. They realize that such experiences produce masterpieces in art and breakthroughs in science.
Einstein and other scientists called the ideas and insights that emerge cases of Einfall, of “falling in.” The classical Greeks ascribed them to gnosis: deep knowing. But for mainstream Western civilization, these are questionable “spiritual” happenings.
What Is Real?
The empiricist philosophy that dominates thinking in the Western world proclaims that every thing we perceive originates with the bodily senses. Every thing that is in the mind must have first been in the eye. A thought, image, or concept that does not have evident origins in the senses cannot be real.
But it turns out that there are experiences—sensations, thoughts, intuitions—that surface in our consciousness without having passed through the five senses. They reach us directly from what we are beginning to recognize—literally “re-cognize”—as an intelligence that is intrinsic to the cosmos. (For more on this idea, see Ervin Laszlo's book, The Intelligence of the Cosmos: Why Are We Here? New Answers from the Frontiers of Science).
A new insight is emerging in the natural sciences, an insight that is new for the modern world but familiar in the history of thought. It is a timeless insight. Spontaneous, spiritual experiences are windows on reality. They are considered “spiritual” today because they transcend the range of the eye and the ear. Yet they are as real as sensory experiences—and in some ways, more real. They are additional windows on the world.
In our epoch of mounting chaos and disorientation, spiritual experiences must not be dismissed: they are are precious resources. They reconnect us to each other, to nature, and to the universe—to The Source.
The Seminal Question Of Our Time
In the quarter century that has passed since the publication of Conversations with God, I have been asking in every subsequent book I have written, every interview I have given, every lecture I have presented, what I consider to be the seminal question of our time: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about ourselves, about life, and about God—the understanding of which would change every thing?
In my new book, The Essential Path, I offer my observation that the answer is obvious. I’m guessing it is obvious to you as well. Yet how can we acquire, with sufficient speed, the knowledge which we intuitively sense is becoming more and more critical for us to have as we watch our world (and, in too many cases, our individual lives) moving from one crisis to another?
Spiritual Experiences Are Real
It is so wonderful when the biggest mysteries of life turn out to be not so mysterious after all. There’s a great sense of freedom in that. A sense that we are not so shackled by The Unknown that we’re relegated to picking up the bits and pieces of what we do know and hoping we can make the best of things.
The most important spiritual experiences of your life are real, not imagined; the product of truth, not false hope; intended to invite you to step at last into the fullness of your True Self, with your life no longer needing to be a Case of Mistaken Identity.
The solutions that have always been there are available to every one. It was in 1597 that Sir Francis Bacon placed before our species the phrase, “Knowledge is power.” You have the opportunity to discover and experience the power to create the future for which you yearn, for yourself and those you love (which I trust will be everyone). That creation can become real when we are all Reconnecting to the Source.
I believe this is the essential path for humanity if we wish to awaken our species at last, springing it free from the long nightmare of our centuries old reality of separation--from each other, from other life forms, from our planet, and from that Essence that I call God.
I see our reconnecting as not only the best approach, but the only approach that can change our trajectory sufficiently to re-create our lives and our civilization in the image of which we have long dreamed.
Copyright 2020 by Ervin Laszlo. All Rights Reserved.
Preface Copyright 2020 by Neale Donald Walsch.
Reprinted with permission from Reconnecting to the Source.
Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials,
an imprint of St Martin's Publishing Group
Article Source
Reconnecting to the Source: The New Science of Spiritual Experience
by Ervin Laszlo
This revolutionary and powerful book will challenge you to reconsider the boundaries of our own experience and change how we look at the world around us. It is a unique, never before available resource for people who want to know how they can consciously align with the forces and “attractors” that governs the universe, and brought us, living, conscious people on the scene in the great processes of evolution that unfold here on Earth.
Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition, an Audiobook and an Audio CD
About the Authors
ERVIN LASZLO is a philosopher and systems scientist. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he has published more than 75 books and over 400 articles and research papers. The subject of the one-hour PBS special Life of a Modern-Day Genius, Laszlo is the founder and president of the international think tank the Club of Budapest and of the prestigious Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. He is the author of Reconnecting to the Source (St. Martin’s Press, New York, March 2020).
NEALE DONALD WALSCH is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The "Conversations with God" series of books have redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. Neale has created several outreach projects, including the CWG Foundation, CWG for Parents, Humanity's Team, the CWG Helping Outreach, and The Global Conversation --- all accessible at the "hub" website, and all dedicated to help the world move from violence to peace, from confusion to clarity, and from anger to love. You can also visit Neale's personal website