In order to align ourselves with “God’s mission” for us, it’s helpful to know what these two questions are. The first question people report being asked when having an NDE is, “What did you learn about being able to love?” It’s probably...
In the past twenty years, I’ve come to appreciate that my personal awakening motivates me, defines me, and guides me to lead a life of meaning and impact. Rather than experiencing life in a casual way, I’m driven to maximize every moment.
Many people today are frustrated and disheartened by the divide that seems to have arisen in this country and across the globe. This discord affects everything from family relationships to the workplace, leaving people frustrated and fearful that it’s going to get worse and there’s nothing they can do about it.
- By Sanaya Roman
Pretend today that you are the captain of your ship, and that for today you will guide this ship the way you want to. You will take the time you need, be with the people you want to be with, say “no” when you...
Our dreams need to reflect who we truly are, and not stem from past conditioning and what our parents wanted for us, or what our teachers or peers influenced us to pursue. We may also find that if our dreams and ambitions mean that we sacrifice some part of ourselves in the achieving, then we end up frustrated.
I certainly can’t imagine that we are on this planet simply to eat, work, and sleep. And we aren’t here just to procreate and keep humanity going, because if we were, all of us would have children. Why, then, are we here? I believe it’s for a much larger reason.
I want to love, serve and remember until the very day that I die. I want to be able to look back at my life and feel that I tried in my mission. I will never be perfect in this, but I can strive to be the best I can be. In this way I will live with purpose and joy.
- By Karen Casey
Perhaps you have never considered that you have unrealized potential. After all, many of us have arrived at the final quarter of our lives. Aren’t we done yet? Haven’t we spent ourselves? The fortunate answer is no.
- By Rhys Thomas
The pure pleasure of being you marks the first step on the path to finding your life purpose and transforming your life. Then, as you share the truth of who you are with others, you find you have a larger life purpose that ultimately plays a part in...
Soul tension is basically telling us that there is a disconnection from self — we no longer know ourselves and, instead, cling to masks, labels, and roles. Soul tension is a symptom of resisting the soul, which asks nothing less of us than we dive into the journey where we will discover our as yet unknown inner potential and light.
In my book “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” I describe the 10 ways I discovered one day when I was lying on my sofa thinking about my long, dramatic life and I asked myself what I needed to remember to live the rest of my life a little bit more happily.
- By Alan Cohen
Soul nourishment brings true value of life. You can wander from your soul’s path, but you cannot lose it. Even the apparent detours are a part of the journey to your true destination. What seems to be an oversleeping that misses one appointment is really an awakening to keep your true appointment.
As a retiree or person nearing retirement, you now have the opportunity to go where your heart leads you. You can also get lost or run in circles. To know where you’re going and how to get there, you need a map. Even if you look forward to retirement, you’re giving up an identity and need to create a new one.
Everybody has a life theme, a significant psychological issue which they are working out in this life. Your life theme is created when a powerful emotional chord is struck in your childhood, and it is reinforced when similar events reoccur throughout your life...
- By Alan Cohen
The parable teaches that talents are valuable only if you use them. If you “hide your light under a basket,” if you ignore or deny your talents, the world misses the blessing you were born to bring to it, and you miss the spiritual and material reward you deserve...
Those of you reading this are part of a great spiritual movement, sometimes known as the "Great Shift." While your personal mission is to know yourself, your global mission is to help birth a New World here on this planet. You are doing that in your own unique way...
If there is one secret truly worth discovering, it is not the secret of the law of attraction. It is the secret of Spirit. True, the law of attraction can bring you whatever you want in life, but it won't necessarily bring you what is good for you. Only Spirit understands what you really need and why you are here.
Some people have a Life Purpose that just affects a few, while others are spiritually contracted to help thousands of people. Just like in an orchestra, every player is equally important. The piccolo player and the first violinist are both crucial to the music's orchestration.
Do you ever wonder why challenges come into your life? Do you ever wish that your life could be smooth and simple? Do you ever want your relationship to just be easy? These are things that probably every person...
- By Dan Millman
Sometimes we may feel as if we haven't discovered our purpose. However, each moment brings with it a new purpose, right now in the moment. Zen sword master Taisen Deshimaru reminded his students, “Be happy here and now or you never will be.” And writer Margaret Bonanno points out, “It’s only possible to live happily ever after on a..."