- By Steve Taylor
The search for meaning in life is a familiar challenge to many of us. Some materialist scientists and philosophers consider it a futile search.
The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to open to pure unconditional love, which is indeed where your power lies...
We each are unconsciously trying to return home to our ancient roots. This inner calling can be expressed in healthy or unhealthy ways. If we do not heal our wounds, if we are missing a link in the chain of our journey to find our way home, our shadow will be expressed in destructive ways.
Leading a life filled with meaning and purpose can greatly contribute to your level of happiness. Meaning and purpose in life are foundational to our existence. Like the other existential concerns about death, responsibility, and isolation, they can have far ranging implications for how we conduct our lives.
Every life has at its core a dream that quietly and unobtrusively asks to be fulfilled. Each of us dreams such a dream. It is an important part of the original blessing of being in this world. Purpose is another word for this dream.
The consciousness we develop in ourselves in each lifetime extends beyond the physical body. It exists prior to being born and after we die. Therefore, our obligation is to live the truth encoded in us to the best of our ability, and our contribution is to evolve our individual consciousness in a way that uplifts humanity’s collective consciousness.
The quiet isolation of growing up in an alcoholic home accustomed me to silence, sent me into nature for my solace and companionship. I do not believe we grow only through difficulties, but the soul uses the means necessary to move us out of stasis. As I have grown in my ability to hear the soul...
Often the spirits only whisper and we confuse their voices with the wind, but if we do not pay attention, they may well unleash a hurricane in our lives. They certainly did with me and with many of my students because we were slow responding – but we lived to tell the tale and it was a tale of rebirth and miracles.
When many people think about making a social impact, they do not think that this change can extend to themselves and their life’s work. On the one hand, it feels exciting and worthwhile to take on a worthy cause, and on the other, it can feel too time consuming and overwhelming.
- By Dena Merriam
We each enter life with desires, goals, and challenges to overcome, and we choose birth conditions that will best help us meet these objectives. Arriving with dreams from the past that are seeking fulfillment, we find meaning as we are able to satisfy these karmic imperatives from the past, through relationship, work, artistic endeavor, etc.
Living our beliefs and working whole will reveal who we truly are to the world. It will naturally attract the people that should be in our community. Yet, one of the hardest parts of building community is finding the space to let new people into our lives and letting others leave or play a diminished role.
What happens when you bring a group of older residents to mix with young children in childcare?
We keep compulsively trying to control everything all around us to protect our fragile biological bodies…too often without the slightest sense of awareness that there exists within us a vast, subjective realm of eternal wisdom, filled with boundless creative capacity, that longs to...
- By Eric Maisel
There is no one meaning of life but rather a multitude of subjective life meanings, and there is no one purpose to life but rather a multitude of subjective life purposes. Each person must sort out her life purposes and life meanings, and proceed to make value-based meaning...
- By Michel Odoul
The Life Path is a kind of connecting thread that each human being follows during the course of his or her life. We can compare it to the script for a film or the “route map” for present-day rally enthusiasts. We move forward on this path by making use of the vehicle that is our physical body.
It seems to me that our ongoing quest to secure material wealth—often to the point of excess, and with little regard for the harm we may do while in blind pursuit of money—reflects the fact that, as a species, we’ve never really come to grips with what we’re living for.
- By Dan Millman
Human laws form a basis of social agreement and social order, but human laws are only pale reflections of a higher order of laws sewn into the fabric of existence. These laws govern the movement of the Earth, the cycle of seasons, the forces of nature, and the structure of the atom itself. The great laws existed before humanity, before nature.
- By Jeff D. Nixa
The heart is a key concept in shamanism, a specialized term that refers to one’s deep source of aliveness, spiritual center, soul, or core. The word core itself comes from the French word coeur, meaning “heart.” It is understood to mean our individual, localized expression of the Great Spirit, God, or Universal Consciousness. It is our individual wave moving upon the greater sea of spirit.
As the age turns, millions of people are pioneering a transition from the old world to the new. It is a journey fraught with peril and hardship and breathtaking discovery, a journey irreducibly unique for each of us. Because we are stepping out into the new, it is also profoundly uncertain and at times lonely.
Your life story is the accumulation of experiences you have had in the physical realm, but it is not who you are in your essence. Who you are is far greater than you can ever imagine. Who you are is...
- By Eric Maisel
Things do not make us happy — and even if they could, living for happiness is not our objective. Living with purpose makes a person happier than trying to be happy!
- By Janet Conner
This is a time of big questions: What changes will living my soul’s purpose make in my life? Do I know all my gifts? How will expressing my gifts help me live a life I love? Who will help me do all this?
Choosing a dream is not enough. In the universe of light and darkness, of yin and yang, you will be asked to choose again, and again, and again. The truth is that you choose in every waking moment, and strangely enough, even when...