Image by Barbara Bonanno
We are in truth limitless, magnificent universal beings. Right here and now, we embody all the forces of the universe. There is no difference between our energy and the energy of the universe; they are one and the same.
All the wisdom traditions tell us this simple truth. While our ordinary experience may be one of limitation, throughout time all the wisdom traditions tell us that the limits we feel are imagined and superimposed on that limitless universal self.
Opportunities and freedoms abound for us to express that universal energy in our own unique and individual way and to live a glorious life with purpose and passion. Innovation and developments, in fields such as technology, transport and medicine, have made many improvements in lifestyle. These improvements are widely available. They have made daily living so much easier than even one hundred years ago. Truly we live in changing and exciting times.
One interesting aspect of these changing times is how many of us are questioning the traditions of the past. These traditions and values provided certainty, confidence and consistency to many generations. They had an important and stabilizing function in our lives and our society. However, they are now running out of energy and momentum. Their relevance is under question resulting in a lack of faith in our institutions and in ourselves.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this; it is all very natural. However, these shifts are not always comfortable.
Natural Cycles of Human Consciousness
History shows that there have been many natural cycles of human consciousness over the millennia. For example, classical civilizations gave way to the Dark Ages and then to the Renaissance. As one phase undergoes dissolution, it leaves the space for something new to arise: a new awareness, a new consciousness, a new foundation.
Right now, we are living through a time of societal change. If we lack strong and lasting foundations in our lives, we can feel uncertain and vulnerable. It can seem as if there is nothing upon which to rely. We might wonder what the use of trusting anything is, if it is soon going to change.
With all this perpetual change comes the shadow of anxiety and fear that hangs low over people in the 21st-century. Rapidly changing and evolving technology provides constant distraction, and this numbs the pain of fear. Lives full of promise are frittered away, but this needn’t be us. This doesn’t have to happen!
Establishing New Foundations
It is time for us to establish new foundations, so we can express our full potential free from the barriers of fear. These foundations need to be established deep within ourselves.
The underpinnings of a house support the whole structure. So, too, we need to build a firm internal foundation to achieve certainty, clarity, and success. These inner foundations are not necessarily visible. They are woven from strength, confidence and self-knowledge. They show themselves in our actions, in our speech and in our attitude to life.
Without proper foundations, the forces of nature large and small destabilize a building. Without proper foundations, a storm or shifts in the ground eventually make a building fall. The lack of proper foundations renders the building susceptible to external forces and unable to stand on its own.
How do we build strong foundations within ourselves?
We do this by firmly establishing our conscious awareness deep within our true being: the heart of who we truly are. It is there that we discover the core values and principles upon which our life is built.
Searching For Answers: Timeless Wisdom
For years, many of us have searched for the answers to life mastery outside ourselves, looking for foundations to give us strength, resilience, confidence and certainty. Many people turn to science and psychology to provide explanations to solve their problems. Now, however, people are awakening to the realization that there are some mysteries that remain beyond the scope of these disciplines.
We have to look elsewhere. Something more is required: something that doesn’t change, is powerful, and has stood the test of time. Something timeless indeed.
By following this timeless wisdom, we discover something universal, unchanging and all-powerful within us. This is the real source of our confidence in this ever-changing world. Through this unchanging source within ourselves, we realize how to live happily, peacefully, abundantly and successfully. We can then embrace new opportunities that come with change and transition, and with a confidence and certainty that doesn’t go away.
Fortunately, an unbroken thread of conscious wisdom that stretches from the past to today is readily available to anyone who wants it. Wise men and women throughout the ages have formulated this wisdom for us. Their purpose has been to connect humanity with a universal source of timeless knowledge regardless of changing circumstances.
The ancient and beautiful language of Sanskrit is one expression of this unbroken thread. Sanskrit hasn’t changed over time; it is full and complete, and it retains its potency and the purity of its wisdom.
There are many recordings of beautiful Sanskrit mantras, and they even appear in theme music for movies such as Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and The Matrix. Celebrity tattoos, wedding band engravings, and movie themes in Sanskrit are all indications of people’s desire to remain connected with this deep and constant wisdom which brings meaning and fulfillment.
The search continues for how to integrate this ancient timeless wisdom into our contemporary 21st century lives; how we can awaken to lasting meaning, love, joy and fulfillment.
Studying and Practicing Timeless Wisdom
I’ve been fortunate enough to study and practice timeless wisdom for most of my life. I grew up in an ordinary suburban home with my parents and siblings; from the outside there was nothing special. From the inside however, it was extraordinary. My parents were keen seekers of self-knowledge back in the 1960s.
I was interested in their enthusiastic discussions at home; they had clearly discovered something that really mattered, and I wanted that too. So, I followed them and joined practical philosophy classes when I was ten years old in 1971.
What do I mean by practical philosophy? The word “philosophy” comes from Ancient Greek and means “love of wisdom”; “philo” means “love,” and “sophos” means “wisdom.” Notice I said “practical” philosophy, not theoretical. We learnt and studied, and we also practiced.
The purpose of the practice was to discover for ourselves the meaning of what was under discussion. Only through direct experience can a person really know and transcend theory. This was how the foundations were established deep within myself.
In our practical philosophy classes, we studied ancient timeless wisdom from many traditions, practiced meditation twice a day, and studied Sanskrit. The approach was always to discover its meaning in practical daily life, not just on special occasions. This set a direction for my whole life, especially throughout my later careers as a teacher and executive coach.
Appllying Practical Philosophy to Daily Life
Timeless wisdom resonated with me from the start. It was so simple and practical. I grew up trusting this; it established the strength, anchor and roots within myself.
Take a simple direction such as, “Fall still and remember who you really are.” Students in these practical philosophy classes were encouraged to apply this in daily life by coming into the present moment, where everything became clear and calm. All concerns, thoughts and problems fell away, despite what might be happening around us.
This was incredibly powerful and really handy as I grew up, especially through the usual ups and downs of the teenage years. I would often repeat some Sanskrit in my mind when I didn’t know what to do next or if I felt confused. I became centered and steady; it brought me back to peace and self-presence. I learnt from experience that this was how to be grounded.
A Blessing of Untold Power and Grace
In my adult life I have come to realize that this is the only way to live; by following easy, simple, practical and yet profound timeless wisdom. I found it a blessing of untold power and grace. I also came to see that many people who yearn for a little stillness and peace in their lives don’t know where to find it. It’s ever-present and yet the one place we don’t look is right under our own nose!
Sometimes, when it is found, it can be forgotten. I began to wonder how timeless wisdom can be passed on to those who want it, in such a way that it sticks, that it becomes part of their lived experience.
I’ve had the good fortune to pass on the timeless wisdom of Sanskrit to children and adults throughout my teaching and coaching work. As decades have passed, I have seen time and again how even a little of this consciousness, presence and wisdom is utterly transformative.
Clarify Thinking and Find True Meaning
Our life is an expression of what we hold in our heart—of our understanding of things and their meaning. For the most part we are unaware of the meaning and significance that we give to the events, objects and people in our lives. These meanings are a collection of stories we’ve gathered, usually unconsciously throughout childhood. This is quite natural.
By referring to the timeless wisdom held in Sanskrit, we can apply our conscious intelligence to clarify our thinking and find true meaning. This expands our outlook beyond our stories from the past, allowing us to see new possibilities and opportunities. This leads to success. In whatever way we define the word “success,” it means we achieve our goals, whatever they are, and live a life filled with happiness, meaning and purpose.
©2020 by Sarah Mane. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpted with permission from the book: Conscious Confidence.
Publisher: Findhorn Press, a divn. of Inner Traditions Intl.
Article Source
Conscious Confidence: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity and Success
by Sarah ManeDrawing on the timeless wisdom of Sanskrit, Sarah Mane offers a practical confidence-boosting system derived from the deepest meanings of Sanskrit concepts, complete with practical exercises. She outlines the fourfold energies of Conscious Confidence and shows how to discover a steady inner source of compassion, self-direction, and self-empowerment. (Also available as an Audiobook and a Kindle edition.)
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as an Audiobook and a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Sarah Mane is a Sanskrit scholar with a particular interest in the wisdom of Sanskrit as a practical means to life-mastery. Previously a teacher and school executive, today she is a transformational and executive coach. Visit her website: