Boundaries... barriers... walls... All these words have similar meanings. They indicate a place where one must stop and go no further. In some cases boundaries and walls are wonderful. But too much of a "good thing" can become its opposite... bad.
- By Stuart Wilde
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? If you could go back and change one thing from your past, what would it be? I feel that each of us has to accept the way we find ourselves. I don't think we ever really stray very far from our destiny...
- By Alan Cohen
As we set out on the great adventure called 2021, many of us have lots of questions about what the year will bring. Yet behind all of these questions is one that will more fundamentally determine our experience: “Who will I be in the year to come?”
- By Lisa Tahir
Transformation can, among other things, be compared to a fire burning away what once was. These experiences of change are the ones that leave us with deeply etched memories.
- By Adil Najam
Back in March 2020, my colleagues at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University thought that it might be useful to begin thinking about “the day after coronavirus."
With numerous countries back under severe pandemic restrictions, many of us once again find ourselves questioning whether our heavy reliance on technology is impacting our wellbeing.
- By Dave Lappin
That which you "most choose to have in your life, you must first become." It is time for us all to "be" what it is that we wish to be. It is time for us to "be" the Divine Light rather than insist that it must come from outside of us.
Each event in our life builds off other events emotionally so that they create our core themes. Every perception, drama, trauma, relationship (both the good and bad ones), fear, belief, success, and failure are rooted in our core themes. They're all just waiting for ...
A move to the country is often presented in popular culture as an idyllic life, a place where you can escape the pressures of the city.
We're headed into holidays in a year unlike any year we've ever known. We've got a mountain of challenges, with grief and disappointment making themselves at home in our hearts. Some of us feeling even more divided from our families than ever. Most of us longing to have loved ones gather. All of us navigating uncharted waters.
Since we originated in the essence of infinite and unconditional love of self, you may be wondering, then, "How did we end up stuck in this experience of life as a struggle?"
- By Stuart Wilde
Naturally we are scared to move into the unknown because our personality relies a lot on the symbols, psychological structures, and associations we develop. We become comfortable in a society, and with a group of people -- work mates, family, and friends. However, embracing change is a matter of giving away or letting go of old traits.
- By Ora Nadrich
We all can't wait to be done with the year 2020. Looking back over all the challenges this year brought to people both in the U.S. and across the globe, we're not likely to feel much fondness for the previous 12 months. And yet, we may find some positive aspects...
Abuse is deeply shattering to the body, psyche, and spirit. The process of opening up and letting go, of becoming aware, can break up the painful memories that arise from abuse, whether they've been there for a long time or are just beginning to arise.
What follows are three of the root causes at the core of the burnout cycles, self-sacrificing choices, and unsustainable realities.
Over the years, I've informally polled thousands of people about the things they do to take care of themselves. Going out into nature is at the top of the list. Returning to the natural world is my favorite self-care activity as well, and has been since childhood.
When kundalini awakens beyond the heart, our perception deepens and we open to psychic capacities. It is through the third eye that we recognize and move away from the noise and chaos of the world...
- By Robert Moss
For every setback, look for opportunity. That is a provocative statement, hard to accept when you feel betrayed or shamed or in the depths of grief or loss. When you have lost your job, or your partner has walked out on you, or you have made the worst mistake of your life, how can you accept the idea that by what you fall, you can rise?
Since March 2020, many of us have got closer to experiencing the kind of solitude long sought by monks, nuns, philosophers and misanthropes.
It is our challenge to find strength and meaning in the tragedies, fears and confusions that confront us. In discovering ways of dealing with those inevitable events, we have the possibility of alchemizing our experience, turning the base metal of our pain into the gold of wisdom, understanding, enrichment and purpose.
In the conquest of Mount Everest anything less than 100% success is failure, but in most communicable diseases we are not faced with the attainment of such absolute goals, but rather with trying to reduce the problem to tolerable levels, as quickly as possible, within the limits of available resources
By your mid-30s or 40s, you wake up every morning and you feel like the same person. Your environment, which you relied on so heavily to remove your pain or guilt or suffering, is no longer taking away those feelings. This is the midlife crisis that most people know about...
Nothing can happen without the power to make it happen, and if you and I are to work at living more abundantly and soulfully, we will need not only a lot of love, determination and psychological maturity, but also a lot of power. Indeed, having power is very important and it serves as a central gateway that can potentially...