In the ancient Greek epic “The Odyssey,” Homer’s hero, Odysseus, describes the wild land of the Cyclops as a place where people don’t gather together in public, where each person makes decisions for their own family and “care nothing for one another.”
- By Alan Cohen
As the pandemic recedes, we are all looking forward to reclaiming something like the life we once knew. But could one of the purposes of the pandemic be to direct us to a life better than the one we knew?
- By Alan Cohen
As the pandemic recedes, we are all looking forward to reclaiming something like the life we once knew. But could one of the purposes of the pandemic be to direct us to a life better than the one we knew?
- By Louise Hay
At the time of this writing, I am entering my 73rd year, and I am extremely healthy. Just because the years are passing does not mean that the quality of our lives must automatically go downhill. Think about what you would really love to do with the next portion of your life...
- By Roy Holman
Responsible means able to respond, answerable for, trustworthy. Most of us would probably say we are responsible. But it is often the wrong response! Frequently, we are tempted to take responsibility for others, as in changing or healing them. As a peace activist, I know this one quite well. To me...
- By Roy Holman
Responsible means able to respond, answerable for, trustworthy. Most of us would probably say we are responsible. But it is often the wrong response! Frequently, we are tempted to take responsibility for others, as in changing or healing them. As a peace activist, I know this one quite well. To me...
We each have a choice, and let's be clear what that choice is. Martin Luther King Jr. told us that "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."
We each have a choice, and let's be clear what that choice is. Martin Luther King Jr. told us that "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."
- By Alan Cohen
If you or I had met Joe during his risqué comedy stint, we might have judged him as a crude or sordid character. Yet we would have had no idea that this phase was not an end in itself, but a preparatory step fo
- By Alan Cohen
If you or I had met Joe during his risqué comedy stint, we might have judged him as a crude or sordid character. Yet we would have had no idea that this phase was not an end in itself, but a preparatory step for...
Just as there are four seasons in Nature, our inner natures also experience four seasons. In the Winter of our inner natures, we feel as if we're coming undone; an old fear we thought we'd put to rest resurfaces. The more attached we are to worldly success, or to old patterns and people with whom we've identified...
Dare to make eye contact with another. As the adage says, "The eyes are the window to the soul." Making eye contact is one of the most basic ways to share our inner light with another. Daring to communicate with someone in this simple way is...
Although I believe we now stand on an evolutionary threshold, that we must envision maps and methods for an unprecedented planetary voyage, we might still wonder why earlier variants of the journey of soul initiation — where they existed — disappeared from most cultures.
Spring is a time of growth, of new beginnings! The daffodils and the tulips peak their heads up towards the sun for their natural nourishment of growth and balance. We humans are the same. We need certain things to help us grow and feel renewed. And most importantly a sense of balance in our lives.
Spring is a time of growth, of new beginnings! The daffodils and the tulips peak their heads up towards the sun for their natural nourishment of growth and balance. We humans are the same. We need certain things to help us grow and feel renewed. And most importantly a sense of balance in our lives.
This is the time of year, the Spring, which represents rebirth and regeneration. It's the time of year when we shed the parts of ourselves that are no longer working for us and move forward into the world of infinite possibilities. We can reach and achieve anything that we want. The only one that stops us is ourselves. The only one imposing limitations on us are ourselves.
Most of us had an idea where we thought this journey of life was taking us, and this has likely been at least partially uprooted by the coronavirus crisis, probably significantly. The word “thought” is italicized because...
Most of us had an idea where we thought this journey of life was taking us, and this has likely been at least partially uprooted by the coronavirus crisis, probably significantly. The word “thought” is italicized because...
Although in my classes at the university I referred to myself as an "old hippie", my life had become tame, boring, and very unfulfilling. A growing awareness had started creeping in, an awakening in my psyche, that there was something, a big something, not right in my life.
- By Glen Park
Aspiration and achievement, power and success, and fame and fortune are presented as highly esteemed goals in our education systems, our workplaces, the media, and the social fabric of modern societies. The unique individual is emphasized over the family or tribe.
- By Glen Park
Aspiration and achievement, power and success, and fame and fortune are presented as highly esteemed goals in our education systems, our workplaces, the media, and the social fabric of modern societies. The unique individual is emphasized over the family or tribe.
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing and expecting a different result.” Our human habit is to identify a problem and then try to fix it. That must change. But what’s the alternative? Examining how G.P.S. works gives us some clues.
Change is inevitable. Notice your reaction to that statement. Change IS inevitable. Pay attention to your body's reaction, your mind, your emotions. Did you feel any fear? Any 'oh-oh' kind of feeling? Any insecurity about what change might bring?