Endings may not be so easy, but they are not optional in this life. There comes a time when a certain activity must be let go. Or a time when a relationship truly needs to end or, at least, change form. The art is knowing when this time comes, and paying close attention to your true inner feelings
- By Louise Hay
If you want change in your life, then you are the one who must do the changing. When you change, then all the other people in your world will change in relation to you. Are you willing to change? All you have to do is change some thoughts and release some beliefs. Sound simple? It is. However, it's not always easy...
When you have begun seeing through new eyes, it might still appear to others that nothing about you has changed. However, you know inside yourself that everything has changed. A Zen proverb says: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after...
Workers in countries where shorter working hours are the norm are more likely to complain of poor work-life balance, according to our research recently published in the journal Social Forces.
When you visualize the past or the future, to the brain and nervous system it’s as if you are directly there, experiencing it. It prompts a physiological response. So we do a positive visualization into the future — a futurization — to prepare the body and mind for the future.
The way my mom imagined it, midlife was going to be great: counting down days until retirement, spending winters in Florida and checking off destinations on her bucket list.
We are coming into a time when the old method of taking the events of the past, superimposing them on the present, and making a rerun out of the future is failing. While this pattern is familiar and comfortable, it is also increasingly dysfunctional, as it ignores life’s cyclic nature. Although it is not always evident, life actually operates as a spiral.
I know that pure bliss is simple. It is free. And wherever you are, however busy, you can always find a few moments of bliss. How is your day going? Or is it going, going, gone -- just like that, in the blink of an eye? Is the roller coaster of your life running so fast you're afraid to jump off?
Polarized, compartmentalized reality has us viewing ourselves as separate, not subject to the same laws, and forever alone. This leaves us vulnerable to a consumer-driven society. Anything that promises to relieve the illusion of unbearable aloneness and self-denial becomes extremely desirable, so much so that many of us will gladly mortgage our future for the promise of a moment's relief. This is the pain and suffering we have come to accept as reality.
You might think of courage and honesty as lofty ideals, almost impossible to attain. What happens if, instead, you regard them as everyday virtues that will help you keep your heart open? To keep your heart open, you must be honest about everything, even your simplest experiences.
I want you to throw away your preconceived notions of fear, along with any particular opinions of anxiety and its causes. In doing so, in opening your mind and your spirit to what might be an entirely new way of thinking and of being, you will embark upon the most challenging, illuminating, and richly satisfying journey of your life.
The ability to manifest your vision for ultimate health and happiness is one of the most overlooked tools in creating permanent change. Most of us stopped using our imaginations a long time ago and have become ignorant to the power that lies within us, the power to shape our reality.
- By Alan Seale
To just say, “You have to open your heart!” can be perceived by many people as overly simplistic, naïve, and disconnected from reality. It can be interpreted as a feel-good-warm-and-fuzzy approach that has no substance. And it can give the impression that you are in denial of the magnitude of what is happening.
As long as we choose to see certain events as the measuring stick for our lives, we have no real chance of changing. As long as we view it this way, we will be trapped by our perceptions of the past, and our lives will endlessly repeat the same types of things over and over again until...
- By Louise Hay
Many people say they cannot enjoy today because of something that happened in the past. By holding on to the past, no matter what it was or how awful it was, we are only hurting ourselves by refusing to live in this moment to the fullest...
Challenges are a fact of life. Whether it’s a high-tech company figuring out how to shrink its carbon footprint, or a local community trying to identify new revenue sources, people are continually dealing with problems
Travelling offers new experiences and can open people’s minds. It allows you to get out of your daily groove – of work, commuting, housework and cooking – to think about the things that really matter and enjoy some quality time in a different place.
When we were children, the summer holidays seemed to last forever, and the wait between Christmases felt like an eternity. So why is that when we get older, the time just seems to zip by, with weeks, months and entire seasons disappearing from a blurred calendar at dizzying speed?
- By Rita Milios
Would you like to experience your personal best? To feel confident, secure, competent, poised and self-assured? Would you perhaps like to work at a fulfilling job? Would you like to control your own future? Most of us would answer a resounding "Yes!" to at least some of the above questions.
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for death globally and has reached the status of a global pandemic — a definition that is usually associated with infectious diseases like influenza.
- By Brian Sheen
Two dormant chemicals in the same container can co-exist uneventfully, then when a third property is added, this third chemical acts as a catalyst for creating a reaction when shaken or stirred. So it goes with self-improvement...
- By Maria Saxton
Interest is surging in tiny homes – livable dwelling units that typically measure under 400 square feet. Much of this interest is driven by media coverage that claims that living in tiny homes is good for the planet.
Every day is a new day. That is an indisputable fact. By accepting each new day with a fresh, enthusiastic attitude, we can empower our life and make it more joyful. What could be blocking our...