While this article is written for women, its conclusions can be applied to males as well... We are expected to do it all -- all the time. We have taken our ability to multi-task, and to accomplish a tremendous amount, to new levels. We are exhausted!
- By Alan Cohen
God manifests divinity by way of people. We are the windows through which heaven shines into the world. The Beatles, talented as they were, did not give themselves their talent. It was seeded within them by a Force far beyond their human personalities. Their role was to bring it to a waiting world.
- By Lee Lozowick
Life should be a grand, majestic affair -- the good, the bad, and the indifferent. If one day is a misery, be miserable. If you're "in the pits" one day, don't take it out on everybody else. Feel it, taste it, exude it. Don't bitch at your friends. If life is lousy one day, it will be great another day. That's beginner's mind.
I came across self-improvement mogul Tony Robbins not long after that conversation with my therapist, so I signed up for his “Unleash the Power Within” seminar in February 2013. It started me on the path to figuring out who I was, who I wanted to become, and what my purpose was.
- By John Hall
Change is occurring peacefully and is bringing peace. It does not always come in a calm manner however, either on a personal or planetary level, but it is coming and quickly.
The dream we once had has been fulfilled and yet there is a yearning for something more, a knowing deep within that I am more than my career, my house, my car, my relationships, my retirement, my investments, etc. There is something else that I am seeking which is needed to make me feel whole and complete.
If you are aware of what you are doing, and why you are doing it, you can change yourself and change the world. If you are unaware, you will see yourself as an observer. As a passive witness. Perhaps even as a victim. That is not what you are, but that is what you will think that you are.
- By Cate Montana
And suddenly the two realities—my regular life and my life with Apollo and the staggering forces I’d worked with in the circle—collided with a shock that sent me reeling as I fully grasped the profane shallowness of my previous modern existence. And with the realization came a sudden overwhelming sense of loss.
- By Bruce Doyle
With all the self-help information available today, why isn't everybody happy and why doesn't everyone get what they want. Why are so many people struggling to achieve something only to give up in frustration? How many self-help or motivational workshops have you attended only to have the excitement wear off after a short period of time?
- By Alan Cohen
Two different people live in your mind: One is an engineer calculating odds and risks according to known science. The other is the voice of passion, intention, and spirit, prone to take leaps of faith beyond known science. Both are important.
- By Susyn Reeve
Habit patterns provide a structure that enables us to easily perform routine things. The danger is we often continue with the habit pattern because we are used to it, even when it is no longer effective and satisfying. The idea of taking a new path is to be awake to our patterns and create new...
There are three forces that motivate people. The first two are avoiding pain and seeking pleasure; these are fueled by desperation. The third, inspiration, transcends the others. When you're inspired, you embrace both pain and pleasure in the pursuit of your purpose.
- By Stacey Mayo
One of the main things that stops people from bringing their dreams to fruition is a lack of confidence. When you are confident, you know you will handle whatever comes up in the best way you can and move on. Regardless of what happens, you will still be whole and complete unto yourself.
When we feel like closing our heart, generosity can take us beyond fear and help us keep it open. Our wisdom and awareness will tell us what generosity might be in any particular situation.
'Charity begins at home' is not a bromide. It is a direction. It means start with being nice to yourself, your authentic self, then try being nice to everyone else. When we place ourselves too low in the pecking order, we feel henpecked and...
We are each like miniature transmitters, putting out into the air whatever we're about at the moment. For example, prayer has been demonstrated in double-blind, scientifically-controlled experiments run at Harvard University to speed healing, even when...
Do you look toward the future with a mixture of dread, yes, but also a kind of positive anticipation? When a big crisis looms, a superstorm or financial crisis, is there a part of you that says, “Bring it on!” hoping it might free us from our collective entrapment in a system that serves no one (not even its elites)?
Margaret Wheatley talks about how, in the midst of chaos, our greatest challenge is to believe in our own goodness; how we are all afraid of change; how, when fear augers in, leaders must demonstrate patience, forgiveness and compassion; how we must approach chaos with humility rather than blame and negation...
It’s hard to ignore not just the scientific reports, but also the on-the-ground reality of climate disruption.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been told there are two things we can count on in this world: that everything changes, and that there always will be a certain amount of suffering in life. I’ve found that the changes are not always evident, nor the suffering constant, but both are typically present at times of crisis.
It is estimated that 8 to 15 percent of all women are faced with depression at one time or another as they go through menopause. Close to nine million women nationwide are plagued with depression at some point in their lives. Even though depression is affected by hormonal changes and genetic factors, it is not dictated by them.
- By Alan Cohen
A Course in Miracles tells us that at any moment we are capable of starting over; we can create a new beginning by selectively forgetting what we don't wish to carry into now. We are not bound by our past, unless we choose to lug old baggage with us.
What is it about our beliefs that makes them so powerful some of us are willing to suffer or die before we’ll ignore what we’ve been taught to believe is right? At what point do we allow society’s fabric to flex enough to honor the need of people to survive?