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Editor's Note: Video above as well as audio below are of the complete article.

In this Article:

  • What are quantum intentions, and how they differ from traditional resolutions.
  • How can you rewrite past experiences to manifest abundance?
  • What is the role of time and reality in shaping your future?
  • How does scientific evidence support the power of intentions?
  • Can changing inner beliefs lead to a transformed outer reality?

Audio and video version will be online within 48 hours.

Creating the New Year with Quantum Intentions

by Will T. Wilkinson.

New Year’s resolutions are infamous for failing after a couple of weeks. What might work better? How about visionary intentions?

What sort of year would you like 2025 to be? In answering that, I’m sure most of us do it within a context of limitation. For instance, we might list what we think we don’t have enough of. Money, love, health, etc. That seems to make sense but, honestly, my experience over decades of naming what I want based on what I think I lack and trying to get it hasn’t seemed to work.

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What has worked for me is a very different process that I call “quantum intention.”

Our Shared Quantum Reality

Quantum Intention works on the assumption that we live in a shared quantum reality. Think everything and everyone, from sub atomic to mega universal, here, there, everywhere. It’s all connected and, as quantum researchers assure us, time doesn’t run in a linear track in the quantum reality. Yesterday, today, tomorrow… the fact that we experience time flowing from past, through the present, and into the future, is just how we think. It’s how we perceive. It’s what we expect. And, sure enough, it’s what we experience.

But it’s not the real reality. It’s just a program. And programs can be changed. We do this all the time with our computers. Uh, how did we make computers? Where did that idea come from? Perhaps from our intuitive knowing that this is actually how “reality” works.

It was James Allen who wrote in his book, As a Man Thinketh: “As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.” In other words, we need to think differently to change things. In this case, the required change is radical.

Experimenting with Intention

One of my favorite proofs for how quantum intentions work is an experiment described in Lynne McTaggart’s book: The Intention Experiment - Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World.

Two colleagues at the University of Amsterdam and a physicist at Lockheed Martin conducted a novel experiment between 1971 and 1975, generating an audio tape with clicks recorded equally on the left and right sides. This was done remotely by a machine, so they were not heard during the recording. They made copies of the tape and locked the master in a safe.

Medical students who volunteered for the experiment listened through headphones and were asked to send an intention to have more clicks in their left ear. Afterwards, they had a computer analyze both the copies and the locked away original and discovered that there were now more clicks on the left side on all of them. This effect was reproduced consistently in over 20,000 trials over a five year period.

Lynne McTaggart wrote that one of the researchers, Helmut Schmidt, explained: “It wasn’t that participants had changed a tape after it had been created; their influence had reached “back in time” and influenced the machine’s output at the moment that it was first recorded. They had changed the output of the machine in the same way they might have if they had been present at the time it was being recorded. They did not change the past from what it was; they influenced the past when it was unfolding as the present so that it became what it was.”

Holy moly!

That last sentence is worth repeating: “They did not change the past from what it was; they influenced the past when it was unfolding as the present so that it became what it was.”

Changing Our Future

Here’s a clue for us relative to how we might change our future, not by wishing things could become different but by changing a reality existent in what we think of as the past, by visiting it with a specific intention and then simply letting the change appear now.

Reading the full text of that experiment it was obvious to me that very little “efforting” was going on. The volunteers simply created that intention: “More clicks on the left side.” They did this in a focused, concentrated way, over a specific period of time… then they walked away.

This “technique” stands in stark contrast to workshop processes and self-help formulas where we are advised to create our intention, write it down, read it every day (or several times a day), paste a sticky note on the mirror, dream about it, etc. Nope. This successful experiment involved creating the intention clearly, then moving on.

Want to Give This a Try in 2025?

Now, there’s a catch. It may be different for you but, for me, this process only works when my intention relates to an inner change of mind/heart, not when I focus on “things.” For instance - picking something that many people can immediately relate to - if I wanted more money, it would seem obvious to create an intention for that. This might mean visualizing more money flowing to me and creating some sort of one sentence affirmation, like: “I am attracting more money into my life,” or even getting specific with the amount: “I will have $200,000 more by the end of 2025.”

I’ve done that kind of intention work and sometimes it does seem to get results. People have written books about it, made films, developed workshops. It gets results. But I don’t think it’s nearly as significant as this visionary intention process which would run more like this.

Using the same example, I would simply affirm: “I am abundant.”

As I do that - I did it right now as I’m writing - a rush of “No you’re not!”thoughts arose. So, where did those thoughts come from? It’s the way I’ve been thinking. Those thoughts exist, then, in the past. But I didn’t always think that way, did I? Did I have a poverty consciousness in the cradle? Probably not.

At some point in my “past” I adopted the belief that I didn’t have enough money. This created my reality program, guiding me to make decisions intended to change that but instead confirming my belief, fortifying the program, and the balance in my bank account constantly proves it.

What about hard work? What about recognizing a lack and applying oneself to improve things? That works. Pushing towards a goal can get you there. I attended enough Tony Robbins seminars to believe that this works.

But it’s not the only way. And there are downsides to the pushy approach. It takes a toll on body and soul. And it may not change core programs. I’ve noticed that people who use will power to generate a lot of money often also experience financial challenges. They make millions, they lose millions, then they make more millions. Very stressful!

This other way, quantum intention, requires a form of "time travel". We go back in time - remembering that time is a human invention - and change the “past.” In this case, I do some self inquiry. I ask: “When did I first feel financial lack?” It takes awhile but there it comes, a memory of being about 10 years old, in charge of a red velvet box that a handful of other boys and I kept our club money in. We play together for a few years but, growing up, the group disbands. I keep the box. I keep the money. And I still feel guilty about that.

There was probably less than $10 in that box but I wanted it. And I snuck taking it. Remembering it now is very different than how I’ve remembered it before. That’s because I’m sharing the story with you. Yes, I still feel guilt and shame but I also feel excitement about this process.

It’s time to apply my quantum intention.

And it’s absurdly simple. I just experience a moment in the “past” differently. Instead of “I stole the money!” it’s more like, “Everyone went their own way, there was the box, no one really cared about a few dollars, and I closed up shop.”

Is that a justification for stealing? Could be, if I decided that’s what it was. But the box is long gone, the money got spent 60 years ago, and most of those childhood friends are probably dead now. Who cares? What really matters is changing a program.

So, I return to that memory and I change the feeling associated with it. I’m abundant. I wasn’t sneaking these few dollars, I was managing our resources. I was responsible.

As I think / feel / and write these words, I experience a curious expansion. Hard to put into words. But it’s visceral and real. Something is changing within me. Relief, relaxation, I’d say self-forgiveness but that’s not really accurate because suddenly there’s nothing to forgive myself for.

I am abundant, just as we all are, because the nature of life is abundance. Just look at nature!

Letting It Go!

Wait! I was all ready to wrap up this post when another memory erupted. Oh oh, seems like I have to expose this one too. I’m 21, hanging out in Australia with the wrong crowd, sharing a rental home with a crowd of party animals. I jump on a plane and leave, skipping out on my rent. About $200 I think.

Now, this memory has more of a charge! I’m definitely feeling some guilt and shame around this one. And now there is a need for forgiveness. It takes a bit more time. Also some macha tea, a stretch, and watching 10 minutes of football highlights. But, back at the keyboard, knowing I can’t avoid this, I focus in on the memory, feel what I’ve been feeling, think what I’ve been thinking, affirm that this program is still running, it’s not just a memory, and I create a quantum intention - the same one - “I am abundant.”

Again, the rush of contrary protests, but I deal with them. Yes, it takes more attention but I do come to an elevated inner state. “I am abundant.” I could add more text, like: “I realize how my irresponsible lifestyle and muddled thinking back then contributed to a bad decision, etc.” I can go there. But it doesn’t really seem that necessary. I’m not going to fly back to Sidney, try to figure out who the landlord was in 1971, and repay that amount with interest. I feel bad about it! But what I can do is experience abundance, watch it translate into more money, and then be generous with my giving now.

I hope running through that specific experiment (two actually) gives you some guidance to explore quantum intention and come up with what works for you. Of course, I’ll see if this one works for me! But, strangely, I don’t have any sense of anxiety or hope about proving anything. I feel different right now and I’m grateful for that! I’m letting it go.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the author.

Book by this Author:

The Noon Club: Creating The Future in One Minute Every Day
by Will T. Wilkinson.

The Noon Club is a free member alliance that focuses intentional power every day at noon to create an impact in human consciousness. Members set their smart phones for noon and pause in silence or to offer a brief declaration, transmitting love into the quantum world of mass consciousness. Meditators lowered the crime rate in Washington DC in the 89's. What can we do in The Noon Club? Participation is simple. Just set your smart phone and pause at noon every day at noon to transmit.

For updates on the program and more information, and to connect with other members, visit

Click here to order this book.

More books by this Author

About the Author

Will T Wilkinson is an author and social systems inventor who lives in Maui and Oregon with his wife of 31 years. Free subscription to his weekly essays and podcasts about the power of imagination for personal and species transformation is available at His leadership programs, including an app, essays, podcasts, online courses, and news about his 2025 project, The Thriving Zone, live at Will enjoys ongoing exploratory dialogues with friends and colleagues throughout the world and invites your participation via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Article Recap:

Quantum intentions offer a revolutionary approach to personal transformation by utilizing the interconnectedness of quantum reality. Unlike traditional resolutions, this process focuses on inner changes rather than external goals. Scientific experiments like those discussed in The Intention Experiment validate the effectiveness of focused intentions in rewriting past experiences and manifesting new outcomes. By affirming abundance and letting go of limiting beliefs, individuals can reshape their reality, aligning their inner mindset with the natural abundance of life.