Image by sabri ismail
Narrated by Marie T. Russell
The journey to higher and higher consciousness is endless. However, it bears asking ourselves, “Where are we now?” Are we feeling more hopeful, more peaceful? Do we have some awareness of what we need to do to bring ourselves inner peace? Do we know what impedes our inner peace and how to go beyond these impediments? Have we come to a better understanding of who we truly are, the One Self?
Anything that is not of peace is not of our true Self. To move into an abiding state of peace takes as long as it takes. The good news is that we have likely already made significant progress.
At times, we will feel the quiet bliss of peace. At other times, this inner peace will elude us. This is to be expected. It is challenging to be predominately peaceful when those we love are suffering and we look outside of ourselves and not see a peaceful world. We need to heal ourselves in order to be of greater service to others, and to help heal our world so we experience world peace, we need to extend our inner peace to others.
Tapping Into Universal Intelligence
Let’s remember our human body holds universal intelligence and to go within through silent prayer or meditation to tap into this supportive, healing, aiding intelligence. And let’s live in gratitude for this.
Practice meditation as a way of life. There is no greater power than this, since in this way we can access the wisdom of our Source and Its attributes. In addition, there is no better way to come into the realization that we are one with our Source, than by sharing Its attributes.
Sharing Our Inner World with Others
When we are in “wobble”, let’s talk to trusted family or friends about how we are feeling, and without going into victimhood, share our inner world. Likely they are feeling or have felt the same or similar to the way we are feeling at the time. Such sharing helps both parties. Such sharing creates bonding and brings us closer to the realization of our Oneness. It is also relieving to know we are not alone in our human challenges.
Let’s “cultivate our own garden”, meaning let’s focus on creating and improving our own smaller world, bringing more peace to our relationships and situations by doing what we can to make them more positive, harmonious, loving.
Quick Tools to Regain Inner Peace
There are several things we can do quickly when we feel we have lost our peace:
- BREATHE. When you feel anxious or off balance, an effective way to get back to inner harmony is to take deep breaths from the belly to the upper chest, then let the breath out as slowly as you can. You can do this more easily if you put your lips together in a whistle position, then let the breath release. Keep doing this until you feel you are relaxed and centered again.
- When negative energy from the past or fear-based energy regarding the future want to pull you in, let it come and pass on through you.
- Bring yourself back to the present moment and notice that in this present moment there is almost always peace. Do this as many times a day as you feel the need to do so.
- Remember when you feel any form of fear, realize it is the ego at work and don’t let yourself be taken in and become its hostage.
- If you can, stop doing anything that does not bring you peace.
- Extend deserved compliments liberally, thus reminding your brothers and sisters of their worth, their value. By doing this, you reinforce your own worth and gain inner strength.
- Give appreciation and thanksgiving often. This raises your vibrational level, bringing you to a higher state of consciousness.
- Light a candle and remind yourself you are the Light.
- Have fun, thereby reminding yourself of the joy of your true Being.
- Have a cup of soothing tea.
Both the mystics throughout the ages and now quantum science, confirm that all is joined with all and so all affects all, regardless of time and space that may appear to separate us. As some or many readers achieve greater inner peace, this will assist all readers to experience the same. And because all affects all, non-readers as well.
In this way, there is the possibility we can reach the critical mass required to bring us lasting inner peace and peace to our world.
©2021 by Constance Kellough. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of Namasté Publishing,
Article Source
The HOW to Inner Peace: A Guide to a New Way of Living
by Constance Kellough
Constance Kellough, author, meditation teacher and publisher of great spiritual teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, shares her accumulated wisdom in this comprehensive guide to finding inner peace. She provides practical, how to instruction for practicing Innerbody Meditation, a life changing tool for going beyond the limitations of the mind; identifying and managing the ego; healing separation and cultivating deeper intuition and presence.
If you have ever longed to employ mindfulness as a daily practice in your life or wondered HOW to remove the stumbling blocks standing between you and the life you know you could be living, let this book be your guide.
Info/Order this book. Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Constance Kellough is the president and publisher of Namaste Publishing, the original publisher of the book "The Power of Now" by now well-known author Eckhart Tolle. Since 1997, she has gone on to publish more groundbreaking, inspirational books by such authors as Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Michael Brown and Dr. David Berceli. She has authored two books of her own; The Chronicles of Bizah, Student of Truth (published 2020) and The HOW to Inner Peace (published 2021).
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