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In this Article:
- Surrendering to Joy: Learn the importance of embracing your soul's joy.
- Aligning Ego and Soul: How to harmonize your ego with your soul's mission.
- Practical Steps: Discover simple practices to connect with your soul.
- Communication: How speaking with your divine inner child nurtures your ego.
- Living Your Purpose: Find out how to live a life filled with joy and purpose.
It's Time to Surrender to the Joy of Your Soul
by Belinda J. Womack.
The ego learning to accept the self without judgment, sarcasm, criticism, or comparison to another is a wonderful accomplishment for any Soul. And when the personality desires to express the vastness of their Soul’s divinity, in all ways and in all things, Divine Oneness sings in jubilant chorus. Every Soul yearns for the ego to discover the real value and application of undiluted love in the multitude of mundane tasks required for daily life on Earth.
Think of your personality as a train moving swiftly on a magnetic track, the force field of your Soul. Soul’s responsibility is to keep you on track and if you derail off your purpose, Soul will wait patiently, persistently tugging the ego back into the highest vibrational flow of Source.
Soul wants you to feel as happy as a delighted child, while also expressing your creative genius. Your Soul’s mission can be as simple as encouraging smiles from others by smiling yourself and as intense as saving a life in an emergency operation.
Measuring Self-Worth
The ego tends to measure self-worth by comparing his earthly accomplishments with those of others, while Soul asks, “Are you experiencing joy? Are your actions helpful to others? Have you done something kind for Mother Earth recently? Does your work fill you with love and gratitude?” And our favorite, “Are you having fun with your divine inner child?”
If you are feeling traumatized, stressed out, and frustrated then please try to find a quiet place to breathe. Say, “I surrender to the joy of my Soul” and repeat this until you feel better.
Soul wants you to stay on purpose and to do this, you need the ego to vibrate as close to the frequency of Soul as possible. Your Soul works continuously—especially during the most challenging lessons on Schoolroom Earth—to help you to feel good about who you are, the work you do, and the choices you make.
Resonating to the Vibration of Loving-Kindness
If Souls sent to Earth resonate at the vibration of loving-kindness, then how can some of their egos go so “off the rails?” Some Souls allow their egos to act as emotional triggers for the purpose of purging the subconscious for the human collective.
When you are going through a challenging time in your own life, and you question if your Soul is helping you, then ask yourself if what you are experiencing is a subconscious purge. We call these events spiritual initiations. Once the challenging time is over, you will be clearer about who you are and better able to trust that your train is on the right track and in alignment with the divine laws.
Even when your train is derailed or parks itself for longer than you may like at the train depot, Soul is evolving through you. Your Soul will use every human experience to learn about love and will persistently be the “fly on the wall” of your consciousness to make sure that the ego integrates what Soul is mastering.
If this conversation between the ego and Soul does not go well during life on Earth, it will continue in life review once Soul and the personality return to Heaven. Living your Soul’s purpose while you are visiting Schoolroom Earth helps all Divine Oneness evolve.
Soul is Living Its Mission Through You
Soul is always living its mission through you and if the ego gets completely disconnected and trapped in fear, then Soul can create an exit out of Schoolroom Earth. Physical death cannot happen without permission from Soul, even in the case of suicide.
What can you do to enjoy living your life to the fullest and partnering fully with your Soul so that you feel united in purpose? Communicate with the divine inner child that lives within you throughout the day. This simple practice will help the ego stay focused on what matters most to your Heart. This practice will help you to receive from the Great Universe and give you self-esteem, the fuel the ego needs to keep your emotions buoyed.
Emotion is the real power that moves you forward so when you feel stuck in a rut, make sure you ask yourself, “What do I feel?” Feeling your feelings helps the ego feel positive and passionate about the purpose you are living!
Letting Go of the Expectation to Be Perfect
Living your purpose is helped by taking the expectation to be perfect, along with the pressure to be everything to everyone, off your sensitive ego. Pressure is a magnet for the old male and old female to step right in, take over, and destroy.
Given the opportunity, the old male pressures all egos to measure success by how much money and success they accumulate. He asks how fast they can accomplish what they want to get done or how much they give in service to others in need.
Souls want to wrap their blankets of healing energy around their egos and say, “Come home to me so that I can care for you and remind you of what actually matters in your human experience.”
The Real Mission of Your Soul
Are you willing to know the real mission of your Soul and step out of exhaustion, people pleasing, chasing money, and sacrifice? There is a sanctuary in your creativity garden where the answer of why you are here can be found, and the answer changes as you grow and evolve.
Is the reason you are on Earth reflected in how you earn your living and provide for your daily needs? We say that when the two become one, and your work fills you with the undiluted love of the Central Sun, then you have stepped into the grandness of the Heaven within you.
However, if you discover that the way you pay for your living expenses is not what Soul wishes for you to experience, trust yourself and keep moving forward. It does not mean that something is wrong with you or that you are not hearing the mission of your Soul. It says that you are multitasking and that you have things to experience while Soul also has an agenda of what it needs to express through you.
What if your work does fill your life with joy and a sense of purpose, yet your humanity is still longing for more balance and freedom from responsibility? The answer for this is also to be found in the sanctuary of Heart.
Trust nurtures the ego and helps you balance the demands of everyday life with fulfilling the mission of Soul. As the ego learns to let go of control, the divine nectar of God flows to your ego from your divine inner child, divine feminine, and divine masculine.
In this openness of mind, Trust, grace, and balance automatically flow into your reality from Source. You don’t need to do anything to make this happen. Living the mission of Soul, while being a happy human being, can be beautiful when your personality no longer resists what Soul is bringing you to experience.
Asking the Questions Ego Needs to Ask
Are you ready to enter the sanctuary of Soul and ask the questions that the ego needs to ask?
Does Soul want you to live a lack-free life? Is your time to do this now?
Does Soul aim to have your day job be the same as your happiest spiritual service work?
Does Soul want you to experience mental, emotional, and physical health?
Your divine inner child is looking forward to receiving your full attention so that you can hear the answers and trust them.
Healing Experience: Entering the Sanctuary of Soul
Close your eyes and breathe deeply and peacefully. Step up to the purple door and sound the alarm to clear the old male and old female waiting to distract you from entering the sanctuary.
Touch the crystal doorknob of the purple door and say, “Take me Home, divine inner child.” The door opens into the most beautiful world you have ever seen. The colors are extra vibrant. The air is turquoise blue, fresh and clear. You can hear a brook gently singing and everything is fragrant.
Your divine inner child takes you by the hand, and you walk together on a path lit with golden leaves and pine needles. You walk together through an archway of white, yellow, and red thornless roses. The light is so bright, you can only trust the wise leader guiding you.
You hear bells ringing softly and kind voices whispering they love you. Your divine inner child asks you to sit in the most comfortable and plush ruby recliner that you have ever experienced. And gradually your inner eye adjusts to the brightness, and you see, know, sense, and feel your Helpers in Heaven.
Your divine feminine, divine masculine, and nature Angel of your physical body are also present. Say, “I surrender to living my highest vibrational and most joyful life. I surrender to the calling of my Soul, and I thank you for moving any resistance out of my way.”
Enjoy listening to your Helpers in Heaven. Their messages will be integrated into your intuitive thought. Trust that you will know all that is beneficial for you to know.
Once the meeting is complete, you will find yourself on the other side of the purple door, thinking about your day and the tasks before you.
In a few days, or when you feel ready to return to the sanctuary of Soul, ask the Helpers, “What do I need to allow myself to receive into my earthly movie that benefits all?”
* * *
Having confidence that you are living the mission of your Soul improves all things in daily life, even your mental, emotional, and physical health. If health and balance are lacking then we ask you not to judge your humanity but to release the fear held within so that you can stay on track, full Heart Power ahead!
Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of Bear & Company,
an imprint of Inner Traditions Intl.
Article Source:
BOOK: Angel Abundance
Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth from the 12 Archangels
by Belinda J. Womack.
• Shares 63 healing visualizations to transform fear, resolve debt, and become receptive to the infinite bounty of the Universe
• Learn how to tap in to the singing colors of the Central Sun that are mirrored in your chakras and raise your vibration to attract wealth—not only financial wealth, but anything you need to receive from Source to feel safe, happy, healthy, and free
• Offers nighttime practices to support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source as well as advanced practices to transform suffering
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.