In the tradition of making a list for Santa, InnerSelf has decided to make a list of what it desires for Christmas and the New Year. Of course, in this scenario, Santa will be played by our readers. We are writing our list, and yes, we've been good! Very good! We've made many improvements to the website and it's a constant work in progress...
Happily, our list includes a lot of things that don't cost a thing making it easy for all our "San-ta-stic" readers to help fulfill our wishes.
InnerSelf's Wish List:
1) More visitors to our website and regular visitors at that.
Ah, that's easy. You can come and visit often, you can forward articles to friends, you can comment on your Facebook page about our articles, tell your friends about us, etc. All these things help spread the word about the wonderfull articles that are available, for free, on InnerSelf.
2) More Friends on Facebook.
Since it's been less than a year that we activated our Facebook account, we're still "new" in that world, and need a lot more Likes. That's easy too! Make sure you've "Liked Us" on Facebook, and share our postings, daily inspirations, make comments on our posts/articles, etc.
3) More subscribers to the Daily Inspiration and the weekly Newsletter.
If you haven't subscribed, you know what to do :-) Also, send gift subscriptions to your friends for the Daily and the Newsletter. They'll thank you for it, and you'll have the pleasure of knowing that you're making a positive difference in their life.
OK, now for those of you who insist that you'd like to help us financially too, here's a few more things to put under our Christmas tree (or as a "thank you for 2011" or Happy New Year gift).
4) More shoppers at our store.
We have such great products - from books, to DVDs, to candles, to jewelry, and all kinds of neat stuff. Check it out ( and when you're in the mood for shopping or want to buy someone a gift, remember us and come and visit the InnerSelf store to make your purchases (it's completely secure, we don't keep credit card info, prices are good, and we ship on the next business day of your order.)
5) We happily accept donations to help defray costs to the website.
Computers use electricity, websites need hosting services, expenses are incurred in upgrades, etc. Donations accepted via PayPal (go to and use their secure "send money" feature to send a donation to "
6) And, of course, we wish for peace on earth and well-being for all.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for travelling the journey of life with us, your InnerSelf, and wishing you a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving New Year.
With Love & Gratitude,
Marie T. Russell,
and everyone involved with