- By Sarah Mane
The transformation of our understanding occurs at the instant that wisdom illuminates the situation. The light immediately banishes mistaken understanding, and this dispels the shadow of fear without further effort. The light from the flashlight is the illumination of true and complete knowledge.
- By Paul Selig
To live without and beyond fear is treasonous to the small self who has been educated by fear as to its benefits, but there is no benefit in fear. Freedom from fear is the realization that the Divine in material form has no requirement of it.
The coronavirus outbreak in China raises important questions about how well governments manage the latest pathogens to jump the species barrier and infect humans.
The famous “big five” personality traits – neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extroversion – have been a trusted workhorse in psychology for many decades.
All the ancient calendars and prophecies of diverse ancient traditions are pointing to these days as the time of a great awakening and a time of a great shift. Humanity is being challenged to make a choice: the choice between the path of love, community, and peace, over the path of...
We can deal with blatant discrimination through legal channels and receive some corrective action, but these kinds of compensation cannot heal hearts. Our goal is deeper healing. We want nothing less than total release from the pain and fear that racist conditioning breeds.
The Ageless Wisdom texts tell us that scarcely a person in the world is exempt from worry, and that worry is the cause of all planetary problems. There are Worriers of the common, everyday variety, and there are Worriers of the chronic type, where the black cloud hanging over their heads...
We want things to be better for ourselves and the people we love, but worry that they won’t be, and imagine some of the things that might stand in the way.
If you recognize that someone you love might be drowning beneath the surface, the question becomes: How can you help? Of course, every situation is different, so evaluate the best approach for yourself. However, the essence of helping others is simple...
It is only mid-November but we have to walk early to avoid the heat. A northerly wind picks up clouds of dust and pollen, sending dirty billows across the paddocks.
- By Tom Bunn
When we are calm, reflective function has no trouble determining what is real and what is imaginary. But stress hormones can cause reflective function to collapse, especially if it is not well developed. In that case, an imaginary threat may be experienced as a real threat.
In our culture, there’s this idea that enduring a tragedy can be good for your personal growth.
It’s a busy day at the office and your left eye has been twitching uncontrollably. So, out of curiosity and irritation you Google it.
- By Hugo Mercier
We all know people who have suffered by trusting too much: scammed customers, jilted lovers, shunned friends.
While a full night of deep sleep stabilizes emotions, a sleepless one can trigger up to a 30% rise in anxiety levels, a new study shows.
The unquiet spirits, vampires and the omnipresent zombies that take over American streets every October 31 may think Halloween is all about spooky fun.
- By Wyatt Webb
A few years ago, I was privileged to hear a speech by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. He stressed repeatedly that the most important thing for us to watch in regard to our conversation is not so much what we say to others, but what we say to ourselves...
- By Mandie Shean
Two-thirds of young people experience levels of exam stress that mental health organisation ReachOut describes as “worrying”.
Women and men have incredible personal power yet often don't realize their own multifaceted power or know how to use it appropriately. The understanding of power is often limited to behaviors that involve being controlling, aggressive, or having influence over others. Personal power has nothing to do with these traits...
According to the NHS, as many as one in eight children aged five to 19 faces a mental health challenge. And a significant number of these cases are related to some form of anxiety.
- By Alan Cohen
As individuals, nations, and a planet, we have forgotten where we have come from, who we are, and where we are going. An honest look at the troubles we have created for ourselves reveals that we have painfully lost sight of the visions that once painted our future...
I love this photo of our son-in-law Ryan and our almost three-year-old grandson Owen. Ryan is taking Owen for his first surfing lesson. Owen is holding his hand with complete trust. He knows that his father has great wisdom in this situation and will take care of him.
Last spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A’s in high school – but was now failing several courses – came to my office on the campus where I work as a psychologist.