As route guidance systems aim to find the shortest path between a beginning and ending point
New research confirms how particles from space can be sent careening down into Earth’s atmosphere to create the aurora, filling in a missing piece in how this stunning natural phenomenon is generated.
This technological revolution wasn’t the work of one people. Innovations arose in different groups...
The ability to understand and use numbers is central to modern adult life because numbers are everywhere.
"There are times when people completely disregard the fact that they went online. They think they came up with the answer themselves," says Adrian Ward.
A system made with two inexpensive sensors is more accurate than smartwatches for tracking calories burned during activity, researchers report
One high-profile theory of why people share fake news says that they aren’t paying sufficient attention. The proposed solution is therefore to nudge people in the right direction. For example, “accuracy primes” – short reminders intended to shift people’s attention towards the accuracy
Humans achieved more technological development in the past 150 years than during the previous 2,000 years. Arguably one of the most important developments in human history was the invention of digital electronics.
The first lunar eclipse of 2021 is going to happen during the early hours of May 26. But this is going to be an especially super lunar event, as it will be a supermoon, a lunar eclipse and a red blood moon all at once. So what does this all mean?
Passwords show little sign of disappearing yet. But many people still use them badly and seem unaware of recommended good practice
When we consider interspecies communication we usually think in terms of human-creature exchanges or interactions in which some kind of relationship has been established. But it is not uncommon for us to experience an interaction with members of the plant kingdom...
A new app successfully detects one of the telltale characteristics of autism in toddlers.
A supermoon is usually defined as the largest full moon possible. This is a very lose definition and roughly means this happens when the full moon occurs within 10% of its being closest to Earth.
Over the years, new scientific discoveries have led to softer and more comfortable contact lenses. And now, research bringing together chemistry, biology and microelectronics is resulting in contact lenses that are straight out of science fiction.
An endless swirl of numbers – case counts, infection rates, vaccine efficacy – can leave you feeling stressed, anxious and powerless if you’re not confident you know what they really mean.
No matter where you are in the world, and no matter how light the skies are, the Moon is always there. Our only natural satellite has inspired literature, art and science for thousands of years.
Some weeks ago, a nine-year-old macaque monkey called Pager successfully played a game of Pong with its mind.
Ideally, we need a home test that’s as easy to use as the LFTs but as sensitive as the PCR test. An excellent candidate is a method called loop-mediated isothermal amplification (Lamp). This works along very similar principles to PCR, producing multiple copies of the starting genetic material – which you can get from a swab – but has some key advantages.
As someone teaching first-year astronomy at the moment, where much time is spent discussing the Moon, here are my answers to some of the most common recent Moon questions.
- By Osnat Katz
Winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere are both coming to an end. That means the days and nights are becoming roughly equal in length, and the path the Sun traces across the sky is changing.
The internet is a complex hodgepodge of hardware and software, and the odd jumpy Zoom call is often accepted as an inexplicable feature of a network we don’t well understand.
- By Paul Cowell
In the space of 12 months, students and teachers have radically redefined their roles in higher education. Significant difficulties have largely been met with determination and invention. Here are five changes made to higher education that it would be valuable to continue with after COVID-19.
With the help of programmed magnetic nanobeads, a diagnostic tool that plugs into an off-the-shelf phone can diagnose COVID-19 in 55 minutes or less.