But Seriously, Folks -- what if we practiced what they preached and made the golden rule the golden ruler? Every year I do my State of the Universe Address, and every year it's pretty much the same thing. The Universe is doing fine, thank you. The state of the Universe ... is sublime. The state of our world ... is sub-lemon. Indeed, for...
The Swami, who is the author of Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction, and founder of the Right-to-Laugh Party, believes the best way to end Bush-bashing is to get right to the source -- President Bush himself. 'If there is no Bush to bash,' Swami reasons, 'there will be no more Bush bashing.'
- By Alan Harris
by Alan Harris. My bones are weary as I drive home from the office. I am a casualty of the business world, that whirlwind of meaningless activity leading toward a grand total of zero on the famous bottom line. No, I won't go back to my meaningless suburb. I will just walk. I will beg. I will have nothing and want nothing. Non-attachment is the time-honored way to happiness, as proven time and again in the East.
When Clare was young, he and his mother would spend long afternoons walking through the neighboring lands. For the most part, she walked in silence speaking only when there was something to say. He loved their walks together — most of all, because of the stories...
If someone called you a "fool," how would you react? Would you feel hurt or upset? Let's think about that word for a minute. What does being a "fool" mean to you?
- By Robert Moss
The greatest crisis in our lives is a crisis of imagination. We get stuck, and we bind ourselves to the wheel of repetition, because we refuse to reimagine our situation. To address our challenges, we need to...