Earth has just experienced its hottest month since records began and Australia is now gearing up for an El Niño-fuelled summer. Extreme heat isn’t just challenging for humans – it brings suffering to our beloved pets, too.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on safari in southern Africa. One of the greatest thrills was going out at night looking for predators on the prowl: lions, leopards, hyenas.
Have you ever wondered why your dog is eating your beautifully cropped lawn or nibbling at the grass at the dog park?
While we humans generally experience the world through sight, dogs use scent to learn about the environment around them. What their nose knows is crucial for finding food, mates and safe spaces.
Our dogs, furry gurus as they are, have much to teach us about compassion and joy.
If you know anything about the experiences of animals reared in captivity for food, fur or human amusement, you might imagine that the lives of wild animals are idyllic.
- By Renata Roma
Behavioural issues in dogs can cause distress by requiring extra time for training, issues when exercising the pet and limitations related to where to go with the dog and increased stress.
Walking your furry friend can be a fantastic way to get some exercise and spend time with your four-legged companion.
Sleep is essential for a healthy mind, especially in older dogs. During sleep, the brain clears out harmful substances that can lead to cognitive decline.
- By Lisa Poncet
Our last common ancestor with the octopus existed more than 500 million years ago. So why is it that they seem to show such peculiar similarities with humans, while at the same time appearing so alien?
Many people believe humans have a superior consciousness of the world we live in than animals.
Our animal companions traverse through life each day . . . instinctively navigating in the fifth dimension of consciousness.
Dog ownership is a lot of furry companionship, tail wags and chasing balls, and ample unconditional love. However, some dog owners are also managing canine pals struggling with mental illness.
Even though it appeared as if I was aloof (a genuine characteristic of an Alpha), my attention was fully locked into the conditions of the present moment.
- By Jenna Kiddie
Many people choose to live with a cat for companionship. As a social species, companionship is something we often crave. But this cannot necessarily be said of our feline friends.
- By Amy West
Humans weren’t the only beings doing it tough with mental health issues during the pandemic. Our pets suffered too – particularly dogs, who are known to pick up on and share our own anxiety and stress.
The term wayshower is being used with more and more frequency as humanity continues its evolutionary journey toward embracing and embodying higher levels of consciousness.
Let us contemplate at least eight lessons animals can teach us, if we dare to open to them.
- By Daniel Allen
As someone who shares their life with a companion animal, it’s been so hard to hear about the thousands of people having to give up their pets due to the cost of living crisis.
Cats and dogs famously don’t get on with each other. We seem quite able to recognise a fight between these two species. However, even experienced cat owners can struggle to tell the difference between rough-and-tumble play and scraps between cats.
- By Matt Parker
Aquatic species don’t seem to induce the same emotional response. And this disparity is clouding our understanding of their lives in captivity.
Some 10% to 13% of humans are left-handed, with men being three times more likely to be left-handed than women, though very few people are ambidextrous.
- By Mia Cobb
What do a little penguin, a baby rabbit, a black rat and a Krefft’s glider have in common? They’ve all been presented to me (when dead) by my animal companions. Chances are, if you live with a cat or dog, you’ve also been brought something similar.