Bringing pet dogs into the workplace is becoming increasingly common.
- By Jacob Beck
Sarah, “the world’s smartest chimp,” died in July 2019, just before her 60th birthday.
Connecting with animals involves so much more than petting, grooming, rewarding, or feeding. Connecting in a profound way strengthens the inseparable bond we already have with our animal friends. For me, the deep bond enables me to understand animals better, on every single level: behaviorally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
- By Mary Baxter
When animal welfare campaigner Ruth Harrison published a book in 1964 called Animal Machines, there was a public outcry.
- By L.F. Carver
Is home somewhere that you feel comfortable? Is it filled with memories of beloved friends and family — some of whom may be furry animals?
Declawing a cat might sound as simple as trimming your pet’s nails. But it’s actually major surgery.
A 21-year-old man recently died of rabies — a disease that kills an estimated 59,000 people a year internationally but hasn’t infected a person in Canada since 2007.
- By Ann Morrison
As I watched my hunting dog standing off the lead and lined up with all the other Kleiner Münsterländers, awaiting her turn to swim out and bring back the dead duck (an important training item) thrown into the deep water, I felt a sense of pride.
- By Lauren Finka
Many of us will have experienced that super friendly cat who seems to love being stroked one minute, only to bite or swipe at us the next.
Recently reported cases of the often fatal bacterial infection leptospirosis in dogs have raised the issue of animal diseases that also affect humans.
- By Vincent Ho
Household pets are often a great source of joy and have positive effects on our mental well-being. For most of us, this outweighs the risk of coming into contact with any bugs they may carry.
For most animals, the structure of their day – and indeed their year – depends on the light-dark cycle. These regular and rhythmic cycles in the length of days tell animals when they should be foraging, when they should be asleep, when it’s time to migrate and when it’s time to breed. Animals can tell all this from how many hours of daylight they experience, but the moon’s cycles also strongly influence their behaviour.
Psychologists who study how people pick their spouses have turned their attention to another important relationship: choosing a canine companion.
The Fourth of July can be a miserable day for dogs. The fireworks make scaredy-cats out of many canines.
- By April Reese
For almost as long as modern science has been around, the idea that animals can remember past experiences seemed so preposterous that few researchers bothered to study it.
- By Jan Hoole
It’s not unusual to slap a muzzle on a dog if it’s being aggressive or not keen on being given an injection, but a muzzle is not part of your average cat’s wardrobe.
- By Amy Quinton
New research examines risk factors for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, one of the deadliest tick-borne diseases in the Americas, in Mexicali, Mexico.
- By Elena Mannes
One day not long after Brio passed, I was driving on the highway, alone in the car. I’d been thinking of Brio and a few moments later heard clearly the sound of the metal tags on his collar clinking from the backseat, where he always rode. There was nothing else there that would have made that noise.
Cities in the United States are getting less segregated and, according to a recent national survey, most Americans value the country’s racial diversity.
DNA tests show that over two-thirds of the breed labels on dogs in shelters or on pet rescue websites are wrong.
No matter what we have experienced in our lives, tucked within each and every one of us is love. To me, healing is defined as a pure loving connection; it’s as simple as that. To demonstrate healing is to give love: unconditionally. Love is healing, healing is love.
There’s a correlation between different types of animal abuse and the perpetrator’s relationship to an animal and its owner, report researchers.