Image by Bianca Van Dijk
In this Article:
- What are self-healing soul powers and how can they help in serious illnesses?
- How does long-term determination contribute to miraculous healings?
- What roles do positive emotions, beliefs, and spiritual connections play in self-healing?
- Can anyone activate their self-healing soul powers?
- What are practical steps to awaken and strengthen these powers for health and healing?
Unlock Self-Healing Powers for a Real and Lasting Cure
by Joseph Selbie.
Thousands of inspiring cases of extraordinary, miraculous healing; the supportive laws and theories of physics; and the testimony of saints, sages, mystics, and near-death-experiencers leave me in no doubt that strong positive emotion, deep unquestioned belief in the certainty of a healing, and immersive connection to Spirit can heal us of anything, no matter how serious the condition. No disease is incurable and our self-healing soul powers have no limits. successfully awaken and use your soul powers for self-healing requires determination—and extraordinary healing requires extraordinary determination.
Miraculous healings are rare, not because some people have stronger soul powers than do others, but because only a very few people achieve the complete, absolute, open-hearted, determined embrace of their innate soul powers necessary for such rapid healing.
Anita Moorjani’s rapid and unexpected recovery from advanced cancer was rare because her sudden and complete release of fear and embrace of love are rare. Mr. Wright’s rapid recoveries, rapid declines, and eventual death were rare because such absolute belief is rare. Barbara Cummiskey’s extraordinarily rapid healing was rare because her fully openhearted and trusting connection to Spirit is rare. (More information on these cases in my book, The Physics of Miraculous Healing.
To successfully awaken and use your soul powers for self-healing requires not only determination but long-term determination. Although Barbara Cummiskey’s open-hearted and trusting connection to Spirit healed her extraordinarily rapidly, she had spent many years, while seriously ill, faithfully building her connection to Spirit. Although Mr. Wright’s absolute belief in the healing power of Kerbiozen in specific, and drugs in general, had dramatically rapid results, such a powerful belief would almost certainly have taken him time to develop.
Please don’t think, however, that because it takes long-term determination to awaken and strengthen your innate soul powers that this approach to health and healing is unrealistic or not for you. The most important expectation I would like to set for you is that any degree to which your emotions become more positive, your beliefs in unlimited health become deeper, or your connection to Spirit becomes greater will improve your health and strengthen your innate ability to self-heal.
Keep in perspective also that your current emotions, beliefs, and degree of connection or lack of connection to Spirit are already powerfully influencing your health. Why not use your innate powers more positively and methodically?
And, if you are suffering from serious illness, keep in mind that every year many people heal from what are considered incurable, even terminal, diseases, by accessing and using their innate powers of emotion, belief, and connection to Spirit. If others can do it, so can you.
A Real and Lasting Cure
Making use of your innate powers to improve your health is not a quick fix but it is a real and lasting one. Steadily increasing the positive influence of your innate powers on your subtle energy body can give you lasting and resilient physical health and can permanently heal long-term, chronic disease.
Most common chronic diseases—such as asthma, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer—are caused by the breakdown of cellular functions. Some examples: the breakdown of cells in the pancreas can result in the loss of ability to produce insulin which leads to diabetes; the breakdown of heart cells can result in oversensitivity to adrenalin which leads to hypertension; the breakdown of cells of many types can result in the loss of ability to regulate their cell-division which leads to the run-away tumorous cell-growth that is cancer.
Modern drugs can’t restore the lost cellular function that results in disease. At best, drugs supply an artificial substitute for substances such as insulin that cells no longer produce, suppress unwanted symptoms such as high blood-pressure, or slow the spread of the disease by, for example, killing cancerous cells. But in most cases, managing such diseases requires life-long use of prescribed drugs.
Our innate healing powers, on the other hand, can restore lost cellular function because, unlike drugs, our innate soul powers directly change the subtle energy body. The holographic dynamic enables the subtle energy body to change the very atoms and molecules of which all cells are composed and to direct Intelligently guided subtle energy to successfully execute life-processes that restore cellular functions.
Overcoming Serious Illness
Overcoming serious illness requires more than long term determination. We also need to heal our life. We need to become aware of and take responsibility for chronic negative emotions that we may have long ignored or suppressed; to discover deeply-held limiting health-beliefs; to open our heart and mind to a connection to Spirit that we may have resisted or believed not possible; and to make significant changes in the way we live our lives.
This requires a level of commitment that not everyone is willing to make but it is a level of commitment which can save your life. In his book, Love, Medicine and Miracles (, Dr. Bernie Siegel identified three kinds of cancer patients:
About 15 to 20 percent of all patients unconsciously, or even consciously, wish to die. On some level they welcome cancer or another serious illness as a way to escape their problems through death or disease. In the middle of the spectrum of patients is the majority, about 60 to 70 percent. These are the people who, given a choice, would rather be operated on than actively work to get well. At the other extreme are the 15 to 20 percent who are exceptional.
Dr. Siegel observed that his “exceptional” patients took charge of their health. They became committed to experiencing positive emotions, determined to embrace less limited health beliefs, and open to experiencing Spirit. It was his exceptional patients that lived beyond the statistical time estimates of cancer survival or, in many cases, were completely healed from their cancer.
Kelly Turner, an oncology researcher and author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds (, studied such “exceptional” patients— one thousand people who experienced radical remission from terminal cancer. After researching their cases, she identified nine common practices among those who fully recovered from terminal cancer. Seven of these work with emotion, belief, or connection to Spirit:
- Taking charge of your health
- Following your intuition
- Releasing suppressed emotions
- Increasing positive emotions
- Embracing social support
- Deepening your spiritual connection
- Having strong reasons for living3
Whether you have cancer, heart disease, or any other life-threatening condition, if you want to fully heal, you need to take charge of all aspects of your life. Not only can taking charge of your life truly heal the body, it has the wonderful bonus of a greatly increasing your quality of life.
Being a cancer survivor is like being shaken in a kaleidoscope. You grasp for your bearings, desperate to find your balance amidst the chaos. When the dust finally settles, there is a new constellation of colors that are magical and beautiful. –Renee Exelbert
I learned how to look at each silver lining without feeling like I was falling for a Hallmark card. ‘Everything happens for a reason’ was still hard to hear, but it became the only way I could survive when the bad news kept coming. Ultimately, I realized what a miracle it really is to be alive and to lean into mindfulness, being present, as the best remedy for truly enjoying life.—Stephanie Chuang
Facing cancer forces you to look inward, ask yourself hard questions about life, death, purpose, and gratitude, and it enables a new depth and understanding of how to live life from your heart, following your soul’s purpose.—Sally Morgan
Practices and Techniques for Ill Health and Better Health
Using practices and techniques regularly to experience positive, harmonious emotions, develop a doubt-free expectation of good health, or to find the profound peace of mind that comes with connecting to Spirit can make you resiliently healthy and, if you do become ill or suffer an accident, able to heal more readily and rapidly than you otherwise would.
Don’t wait for an illness. Start now; it’s much easier when you’re healthy.
Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission.
Article Source:
BOOK: The Physics of Miraculous Healing
The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind, and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing
by Joseph Selbie.Our soul powers can be methodically used to develop resilient health and to increase our ability to self-heal from serious, even terminal, disease. In this book you will find many practical ways to awaken and strengthen positive emotion, increase your life force, develop health-creating beliefs, and make a transformative connection to Spirit. Practices and techniques include: meditation, deep relaxation, affirmation, energization, concentration, and more.
The Physics of Miraculous Healing is a companion to Selbie’s Amazon Best-Sellers, The Physics of God and Break Through the Limits of the Brain. These books are bridges of understanding between the modern evidenced-based discoveries of science and the timeless experience-based discoveries of the mystics.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.
About the Author
Joseph Selbie is the author of the paradigm-changing book, The Physics of Miraculous Healing. He is also the author of The Physics of God, a unification of science and religion; Break Through the Limits of the Brain, neuroscientific support for spiritual experience; and The Yugas, a factual look at India’s tradition of cyclical history. He was nominated Trailblazer of the Decade by Om Times Magazine and appears with Elizabeth Rohm in the 2014 docudrama, Finding Happiness.
A dedicated Kriya yoga meditator for over fifty years, he has taught yoga, meditation, and universal experiential spirituality throughout the US and Europe. In 1975 Joseph became a member of Ananda, a spiritual movement inspired by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi.
Visit Joseph Selbie's website at
Article Recap:
This article discusses the potent role of self-healing soul powers in overcoming serious illnesses. It emphasizes that no disease is incurable when leveraging the profound capabilities of our soul, fueled by positive emotions, deep beliefs, and a strong spiritual connection. The text highlights the necessity of long-term determination and the exceptional nature of those who fully embrace these inner powers for healing. It also underscores that engaging these powers not only aids in overcoming diseases but also enhances overall life quality.