Scientists have discovered that external magnetic fields can affect the body's functioning in both positive and negative ways. The use of magnets and electrical devices to generate controlled magnetic fields has many medical applications and has proven to be one of the most effective means available for diagnosing human illness.
- By Mantak Chia
For optimal health, you must learn how to take care of yourself; you must learn how to clear out your negative energy and transform it to positive healthy energy. The Six Healing Sounds practice is a simple yet powerful tool to promote physical, energetic, and emotional healing and balance.
One of the most effective systems for using sound was developed in the fifth century A.D. by the famous Taoist physician T'ao Hung-ching. T'ao discovered that vocalizing different sounds while expelling the breath could cleanse and restore the organs, regulate the blood circulatory system, and stabilize the central nervous system.
I recently met a 'senior citizen' with a childlike twinkle in his eyes, the mental acuity of a 20-year old and the nimble body of a person at least 35 years younger than his 100 years on earth. When I asked his secret, he replied, 'I live right now. I live only in this moment. The past is over, and it is a joy to be on earth.'
Stress, generally speaking, is actually nothing more than a self-trained response we have developed in dealing with problems and uncomfortable situations. Getting rid of stress can be quick and easy, but only if we allow ourselves to change the response. Changing a behavior or trained response, however, is...
The people who consult me are often desperately scared. An illness threatens the length and quality of their lives. They want to be well. They want to be cured. They want a miracle. Unfortunately, miracles cannot be guaranteed or produced on demand...
Things happen in our lives because we believe in our subconscious mind that they should be happening. Yet when something bad happens, like an illness, you may say to yourself, "How can this be? I haven't been sitting here asking to get this disease."