A low carb diet may prevent or even reverse the effects of aging in the brain, researchers report.
- By Paul O'Toole
As our global population is projected to live longer than ever before, it’s important that we find ways of helping people live healthier for longer.
We are being cheated nutritionally. Food constitutes a six-part gift, but all we're hearing about is one thing. But this skewed perspective, focusing solely on the physiological aspects of food, has become the norm. I call our one-sided, limited view the Dark Ages of nutrition.
A natural compound in many vegetables called indole may fight fatty liver disease, researchers report.
In our survey of yogurts, we found that less than 10% were low sugar – almost none of which were children’s yogurts.
While the obesity crisis is still considered the foremost public health epidemic in the west, one often overlooked condition is quickly becoming a growing concern.
Chronic constipation is incredibly common. Around one in four people worldwide report symptoms, while in Australia and New Zealand, it’s around one in seven.
Six out of ten Australians don’t eat enough fibre, and even more don’t get the right combination of fibres.
Silicon Valley’s newest fad is dopamine fasting, or temporarily abstaining from “addictive” activities such as social media, music, internet gaming – even food.
Vegans avoid animal products. For strict vegans this means avoiding honey because of the exploitation of bees. That seems to imply that vegans should also avoid vegetables like avocados that involve exploiting bees in their production.
- By Gregor Reid
Probiotics are live microorganisms, usually bacteria, that can be consumed to offer health benefits.
You’re reading this with a cup of coffee in your hand, aren’t you? Coffee is the most popular drink in many parts of the world.
The word “vegan” was invented in 1944 in Leicester, England by Donald Watson and his future wife Dorothy Morgan. That year, Watson and others founded The Vegan Society. Research into the society’s early publications shows that their key focus was arguing for an end to animal exploitation.
Debaucherous evening last night? You’re probably dealing with veisalgia right now.
Current scientific evidence supports claims made for intermittent fasting, according to a new review.
Though winter may bring you down, the food you eat can play a significant role in how you feel emotionally, dietitians say.
Before the holidays ruin your wellness plan and make you turn as green as the Grinch, try these 10 ways to help you stay on track and keep your festive spirit.
The illness, which usually starts in adolescence, is difficult to treat. Only around half of those treated recover, so preventing it is really important.
More than half of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions resolve to “eat healthier.” If you’re one, you might be confused about the role meat should play in your health.
- By Dwan Price
Many foods contain proteins that can set off an oversized immune reaction and one of the fiercest is the humble peanut.
If you were to believe newspapers and dietary advice leaflets, you’d probably think that doctors and nutritionists are the people guiding us through the thicket of what to believe when it comes to food.
Saturated fat intake leads to cellular reprogramming associated with prostate cancer progression and lethality, according to new research.
In the U.S., rich people tend to eat a lot healthier than poor people. Because poor diets cause obesity, Type II diabetes and other diseases, this nutritional inequality contributes to unequal health outcomes.