Even though our fatty tissue loses important function with age, a high volume of exercise can have a significant impact for the better, according to a new study.
There’s long been evidence that moderate aerobic exercise (think walking, running, or cycling) are good for your lifelong health and well-being. But what else?
Let’s face it: When most of us see the temperature outside fall to minus double digits, our first instinct isn’t to gleefully run outside.
The reason your motivation wanes might actually be because you chose the wrong motives and goals to begin with. And research shows us that choosing the right type of goal is the key to keeping us motivated over the long term.
Swimming is one of the most popular physical activities, but a large number of people are poor swimmers or cannot swim at all.
Many individuals will begin strenuous exercise programs that incorporate too much exercise too soon, leading to fitness burnout or injury.
We tested the cognitive ability of elderly mice following defined periods of exercise and found an optimal period or 'sweet spot' that greatly improved their spatial learning,
Though researchers have known about the protective effect of exercise for many years, exactly why it has this effect on the brain has remained a mystery.
Many of us have smartwatches or apps on our phones that count the number of steps we do. Usually, we aim to reach at least 10,000 steps a day, which we are often reminded is the target to help improve our health.
- By Scott Shaw
Confrontation is not kind, nor is it just. It is for this reason that you must never consciously seek out battle -- at any level. If it finds you, however, you must enter into personal self-defense at the most appropriate level...
For most people, walking is an activity that requires no thought or intention -- it is rarely even a conscious action. What's more, since walking is such a natural act, we are able to involve ourselves in a host of other activities while doing it. Watching other people walk can...
Before COVID-19, the popularity of hiking was on a downward slope in both adults and children. But its popularity has spiked during the pandemic, seeing many more people taking to trails than usual.
The term “exercise is medicine” is rightfully well publicised. It’s one of the best ways to stay healthy, yet medicine doesn’t work if you aren’t prepared to take it.
It’s recommended we do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day – or 150 minutes a week – to stay healthy. But 30 minutes accounts for just 2% of the day. And many of us spend most of the rest of the time sitting.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts have become popular in recent years for a number of reasons. They don’t require as much time as a regular workout (some can take as little as 10 minutes),
Injuries happen when training load exceeds tissue tolerance – so basically, when you do more than your body is capable of. Fatigue, muscle-tendon strength, joint range of motion, and previous injury to the tissue can all increase the likelihood of sustaining an injury.
Figuring out how to initiate (or return) to exercise in a way that feels emotionally and physically safe after experiencing illness, accidents, or acts of violence can be challenging, triggering, and overwhelming. If any of these scenarios resonate with you, a trauma-sensitive approach to fitness can help.
Figuring out how to initiate (or return) to exercise in a way that feels emotionally and physically safe after experiencing illness, accidents, or acts of violence can be challenging, triggering, and overwhelming. If any of these scenarios resonate with you, a trauma-sensitive approach to fitness can help.
A new US study shows that people who are less physically active are more likely to be hospitalised and die with COVID-19. According to these new calculations, being inactive...
One old behaviour that has persisted, and has arguably been amplified due to COVID-19, is sitting — and it is not surprising to see why.
Coffee, green tea and other caffeinated drinks are a popular way to start the morning. Not only does it give many people a much-needed boost, but caffeine can also help when it comes to fitness.
All too often we approach exercise as just another task -- maybe even a burden. We do it because we know we should. "Stress walking", some folks have labeled it as they dash off to battle calories and advancing years with frantic lunch-hour sprints...
Our latest research has shown another benefit of being physically active throughout life. We found that in the US, people who were more physically active as teenagers and throughout adulthood had lower healthcare costs.