Like many high school students I completely misunderstood the philosopher Herbert Spencer’s phrase “survival of the fittest.” I interpreted it to mean that those animals of a species that were the most physically fit were most likely to survive and reproduce.
- By Xu Xiangcai
Qigong, as an art of healing and health preservation, is thought to have originated as early as four thousand years ago in the Tang Yao times as a form of dancing. Qigong, through mind, breathing, and posture regulation, aids in the prevention and treatment of diseases and preserves and lengthens life. Qigong cultivates intrinsic energy (genuine Qi) which is found naturally within all people.
Karate, for my husband, is not just an exercise nor a way to stay physically fit. It is a passion like few people experience at all. Some of us spend our entire lives searching and never finding, striving but never accomplishing, yearning yet never satisfied.
It’s no secret that yoga can aid mental well-being. What is more, it can help soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, according to new research.
When it comes to physical exercise, we don’t tend to take into account how important our brain is for keeping our whole body going. But our ability to control our muscles – to keep them contracting and relaxing – and move our bodies precisely how we want them to, is ultimately determined by our brain.
You might work the upper body one day and the lower body the following day, split up by cardio and repeated. Another strategy is to do a split routine so you can focus on each muscle group separately. Remember they need a break to recuperate because you are focusing on them.
It's that time of year: Bicyclists young and old are lubing chains and dusting off cheap supermarket bikes, top-of-the line Treks and everything in between. A bike, of course, offers a way to get exercise, reduce your carbon footprint or just have fun. But biking activity, in large part, is driven by the pedaling opportunities available in your community.
There was a time when standing desks were seldom seen inside a regular office setting. That's changed, in large part due to research showing that the cumulative impact of sitting all day for years is associated with a range of health problems...
The amount of exercise you do on a regular basis is one of the most important influences on the state of your health and your ability to fight against disease. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, bone and muscle mass, lung capacity and circulation, digestive functions, and...
There are many great ways to stretch. Some people respond to different stimulus so don't think you have to do one version or the other. You may find using several stretching methods helps you accomplish your goal; much like changing your weightlifting routine can push your muscles to new gains...
The optimal approach to physical activity varies by age and health status. We’ll focus on a foundational and sustainable process here, which includes exercising on all three levels of capacity: aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and flexibility...
Many people believe that the mind and body are at odds. Changing the "inner messages" you give yourself by consciously choosing how you respond to stress is the first step in bringing the mind and body together as a team...
The most important thing is to get your body moving. If you sign up for a spin class and then never go, it does you no good at all. There are many types of exercise from which to choose and all of them give you energy to one extent or another. Most exercises fit into one of three categories...
T'ai chi, or Tai Chi in the West, is a Chinese martial art practiced for both defense and its health benefits. Tai chi is used by many people to improve health and well-being. Health forms are known for being practiced as no impact and slow movement and relaxed, gentle movements, each flowing into the next.
- By R Jennings
There are a couple of problems that affect people when it comes to exercising for health. One obvious problem is the amount of time it takes. The other is boredom. Many people just don't like to exercise. For this group it's work, drudgery, and even a fate worse than death. There can be another way.
Endorphins do make you feel good, no question about it. Narcotic drugs, including morphine, heroin, and cocaine, are classic endorphin releasers, but as we know, they can have horrific side effects, including addiction. Endorphins give you the high without the crash...
Both your brain and your body work in harmony together to help you operate at your peak if you know how to use them. Almost as instantly as the mind thinks something, there is an observable response in the physical body. Let’s do an experiment together. I want you to try an...
by Marcelle Pick. The way you treat yourself can make an enormous difference in how your body, mind, and spirit respond. Changing your internal conversation is one key way to turn down the stress and turn up the relaxation. I’ve struggled with these issues, too, and I know how hard it can be to create a new conversation. The key is...
- By Lucy Pappas
Bellydancing is the last vestige of goddess worship in the Middle East and is in danger of becoming extinct. Bellydancing began as ritual for childbirth preparation in the ancient Middle East. Before Islam and Christianity, when the Mother Goddess was worshipped, sex and childbearing were sacred. During this time, many societies were...
The majority of those who practice tai chi do so mainly for the benefits it gives as an exercise. Tai chi is suitable for people of all ages, particularly those on the wrong side of thirty. The very nature of the art stimulates blood circulation, loosens and limbers up joints and at the same time promotes mental relaxation.
- By Carla Inniss
Have you ever marveled at the amazing flexibility of your cat? Ever felt a warm sense of contentment just watching your dog take a long yawn and then a happy stretch that reaches all the way down to her toes?
- By Xu Xiangcai
Qigong, through mind, breathing, and posture regulation, aids in the prevention and treatment of diseases and preserves and lengthens life. Qigong cultivates intrinsic energy (genuine Qi) which is found naturally within all people. There are many different forms of Qigong practice, each with its own distinct style and goals...
- By Admin
In ancient times, Tai Chi was taught only to members of the Chen family living in a small village in Hopeh Province. One day the grandmaster explained why he had broken one of the strongest family traditions by teaching an outsider the secrets of the art. This is the story of how this occured, related by teachers of this ancient art...