Earth Challenges & The Lifting of the Veil

There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. --- Linda Hogan

Many ancient and indigenous groups have written or warned about the dramatic changes that would happen on planet Earth, culminating around this very time. Author Neale Donald Walsch says, “We are seeing the beginnings of what I call The Shift right now as we witness the wholesale rearrangement of our planet’s economics, its politics, its religions . . .”It is both an exhilarating and terrifying time to be alive!

The suggestions offered in this book may be helpful in handling these planetary changes that are now occurring. We can ground, breathe deeply, pay attention, build community, and be willing to see things with new eyes. That we have not been doing these things may be one reason for the Earth challenges. The solutions will not come only from thinking and the intellect, but from the silence of the heart, and the intelligence of the Earth and Universe itself.

The Earth: Purifying and Purging Itself

It has been said that if we do not take care of the Earth, the Earth will take care of us! On some level, we know that we humans have become like fleas that the Earth is scratching and desperately trying to remove. Some speak of “Nature’s Fury”, and the “Raging Earth,” but there is nothing personal about the intense and often destructive winds and waves that are striking many parts of our world. The Earth is simply using all its tools -- water, wind, temperature, and vibration -- to purify and purge itself, and we are being shaken from our sleep and comfort zone.

Why have we been so slow to wake up and respond to the Earth changes? Frogs, when placed in a pot of hot water, will waste no time in bounding out of harm’s way. But set in cold water that is slowly heated, they will allow themselves to cook. Perhaps we have numbed ourselves and contaminated our nest so steadily that we have forgotten what a vibrant, natural environment would look and feel like. I would guess that if we plucked a Native American from her home a thousand years ago and placed her in a big American city today, she would run for the woods!

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Reasons for our Mistreatment of the Earth

The reasons for our mistreatment of the Earth are many, but stem from our state of consciousness. As we disconnected from our emotions, body, and the bigger body Earth, and identified with ego, we lost our spiritual sustenance. We sought comfort and pleasure in material comforts, like anchoring ourselves to the wrong mooring.

The mainstream media refuses to explore the deepest issues. We somehow convince ourselves that more weapons make us safer. We casually talk about clean coal and nuclear power as safe and sustainable energies. We bury nuclear waste along with our emotions, pretending and hoping they will never surface.

Stopping the Abuse Now

Is it a coincidence that the 15 hottest years on record occurred since 1991? Is it okay to lose a third of the Arctic ice in just the last 30 years?There are naysayers who deny an Earth problem, or argue that we must move slowly. But if something is wrong, it needs to change. If someone is hurting a child, do we show patience? No -- we stop the abuse now.

We have already seen how emotions can be pointing to something essential. Personally, I do not feel goodwhen I take the garbage out each week, or when I drive my car. I feel ashamed when I hear that we Americans consume a disproportionate share of the world’s resources while creating enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and toxic waste. I feel sad, scared, and angry hearing that one third of the Earth’s animal and plant species are now facing extinction. Our disembodied denial of honest emotional responses has us at the brink of self-destruction.

Personally, I feel better when I ride my bicycle, or when I hang my clothes on the line, or mow my little lawn with my quiet, stink-free human-powered mower. I enjoy growing food in our neighborhood community garden. It feels right printing this book using the most “green,” recycled paper available. Granted, these are small things, but small things matter. Change can be stressful, but with teamwork and bold action, we can go from feeling alone, ashamed, and afraid to feeling connected, empowered, and alive.

What is Coming in 2012?

No one knows for sure what will happen in 2012 or thereabouts. The ancients and many modern scientists seem to agree that this is a very rare alignment, a precession of the equinoxes -- that the Mayans and others say happens only once every 26,000 years. Some, including the Mayans, and Edgar Cayce in the 1930s, predicted that this event would reverse the north and south poles and perhaps immerse the Earth in darkness for several days. There is much speculation. But perhaps most of this is essentially out of our hands. What we certainly can do, however, is our inner healing work so we can be as emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready as possible for this tremendous shift.

Human beings can be wise, compassionate, creative, and constructive, and when we motivate ourselves, we can move quite fast. Every year we learn about more Earth-, energy-, and life-saving discoveries and innovations utilizing solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, and algae to provide clean energy. Let us remember that we are truly capable of miracles. When we work together, we can rock this world, but to a healing beat.

Apocalyse: Lifting of the Veil

The word apocalypse has Greek origins that actually translate as “lifting of the veil”, or “revelation.” We are awakening to see the oneness and interconnectedness, and understanding that what we call the “environment” is truly our extended body or energy field.

Our world is changing. We can surrender to the falling apart, while preparing to create something profoundly more beautiful, and infinitely more satisfying and sustainable. We are so blessed to be here on Earth during this historic and magnificent shifting of global consciousness.

Do not be afraid. Let the morning come. Let the dawn come. May the people find peace and be happy. --- Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez

Article Source:

This article is excerpted from the book: Healing Self, Healing Earth by Roy HolmanHealing Self, Healing Earth: Awakening Presence, Power, and Passion
by Roy Holman.

Reprinted with permission of the author Roy Holman, Holman Health Connections. ©2010.

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About the Author

Roy Holman, author of the article: Earth ChallengesRoy Holman is a certified Yoga, Meditation, and Healing Instructor who has been teaching personal growth and Earth stewardship for over ten years and leads retreats to Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Sedona, and in his home state of Washington. Roy also spent several years abroad doing human rights work in Central America. Visit his website at