A Call to Action!!!

(Forwarded to us by a friend -- a powerful and poignant letter written by an American man. Includes info on a Washington Peace March on November 2nd, 2002, as well as more actions to take.)

Dear Family & Friends,

I'm sending this to everyone I know who I believe to be opposed to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. If I've included you in error, my apologies; just hit the delete button. (By the way, exactly WHY are you in favor of this war?) Otherwise, note the presidential e-mail address farther down in the letter for your correspondence! Keep making phone calls and sending letters and/or faxes and e-mails to your senators, congressional representatives, and the President.

To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, "It matters not exactly what you do, but it matters very much that you do something."


Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 4:20 PM
Subject: Protest Invasion of Iraq

Dear Friend,

My name is John G. I'm a father, a husband, and an American. That's all you need to know about me. Everybody who uses the internet gets a lot of junk email. This is different. It is not spam, a scam, or a joke. It is a call for you to act.


If you're okay with that, hit delete now and accept my apology for cluttering your mailbox. But if you're like me, and you're deeply troubled by the rationale for this war and the potential consequences, please read on and see what you can do to prevent it


Many of us supported the war in Afghanistan. All of us wanted justice for September 11. But after promising to deliver Bin Laden "dead or alive", Bush has stopped mentioning him. Since 9/11, the administration has repeatedly backed off of asserted links between Al Qaida and Iraq.

Some people say that this war is a smokescreen to make us forget about the administration's failure to catch bin Laden, or that it's a ploy to take our minds off a deepening recession and win an election. Others say it's a personal thing between the Bush family and Saddam Hussein. One thing is clear: Bush has presented no evidence to prove that Iraq has ever or will ever threaten or attack the United States. With the recent revelations about the administration's failure to heed warnings about 9/11, there is no reason to believe that we are now any safer from attacks by Al Queda, or that war with Iraq will protect us in any way.

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You don't have to be a Democrat to worry about choices Bush is making. Elected with fewer votes than his opponent, Bush promised to be "a uniter." Instead he's polarizing the country with a radical conservatism far removed from traditional Republican policy. The centerpiece is his first-strike policy of initiating wars with countries perceived by the president to be a threat. This is unprecedented. I grew up believing that the United States of America was the leader of the Free World because it embodied ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice. Though our principles have sometimes been compromised, we've become wiser from our mistakes, and most of the world believed in us too and shared our vision.

Now Bush wants to change us from the greatest country on Earth into the biggest bully on the block.


Has anyone in the administration considered what can result from this war? The bombs aren't falling on Baghdad yet, but already much damage has been done. After three thousand Americans died on 9/11, we had the sympathy of the world. That has been squandered. Bush's drumbeat of war has even our allies regarding us as a selfish lout who threatens peace, and bullies countries around the globe. The rest of the world is worried about a madman with nuclear weapons hell-bent on war.

Unfortunately, they're talking about our president. And they haven't failed to notice that this administration, now making plans for a military occupation of a major petroleum producer, is headed by two former Texas oil company executives. Hasn't Ken Lay and that crowd done us enough damage already?

What about the cost of battle? Thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians will die, as will many American soldiers. Composed of disparate ethnic groups with longstanding grudges, Iraq could easily degenerate into a civil war that requires us to occupy it for many years. Has anybody been paying attention? Our military presence in Saudi Arabia is what got Bin Laden so worked up in the first place. Do we want to radicalize a new generation of terrorists who may target our grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren thanks to Bush's war? The conflict could easily spread.

Can Bush assure us that Israel and the Arabs won't go to war, or that Islamic revolutions won't result in Saudi Arabia and/or Pakistan, two repressive, undemocratic regimes propped up by our support? Don't forget that Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Once enacted, our first-strike policy could give other countries the excuse to adopt similar strategies. China could claim that Taiwan is threatening it, and attack. Russia may invade any of a dozen neighbors.


Polls say that most of you agree with me. But it's easy and it's tempting to say "too bad," sigh, and go about our business, hoping that Bush won't act without approval from the UN. But Bush has made it clear that he'll act alone. I believe that a disaster is looming and that we can do something about it. I believe that we have a patriotic duty to tell Bush that we oppose his war. And I believe that the internet gives us powerful new tools for asserting our political will and making him listen.


His address is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let's flood his inbox with emails protesting his war. You must also use your phone to call the White House: 800-837-5276 to express your views, and 202-456-1111 to cast your vote to oppose or approve of this devastating war.

Email your congressperson, too. Look it up on the net and bookmark the email addresses. And please remember to vote on November 5.


Not to five friends, please. Send it to your parents, your grandparents, your kids, your siblings, your cousins, your friends -- everybody you know who loves our country. Print it and put on your bulletin board at work or school. Make sure people are talking about the coming war and the disastrous turn it represents for the country we love.

PLEASE Join in a World Wide Prayer for peace in Iraq and the shift the energy in Iraq on Oct 12th at 10AM PST, 1PM EST


James Twyman invited to Pray for Peace in Iraq.

Prayer for Peace:

We are one global family,
All colors, all races, one world united.
We dance for peace and the healing of our planet earth.
Peace for all nations. Peace for our communities.
Peace within ourselves.

Let us connect heart to heart.
Through our diversity we recognize our unity.
Through our compassion we recognize peace.
Our love is the power to transform the world.
Let us send it out... NOW!!

We are asking you to do the same. After you say this prayer aloud, either alone or with a group, FEEL the presence of peace in Iraq and the whole world. This feeling is the key to creating peace. Scientists have proven that our emotions influence events and even weather patterns, and we want to produce a wave of peace that will touch the leaders of our countries, as well as every person in the world.



On November 2, 2002, let's meet at 12:00PM on the Mall opposite the Capitol and ask the Congress to join us. At 1:00PM, let's march to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. At 2:00PM, let's observe 5 minutes of silent prayer for those those fifty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-eight Americans who died the last time an arrogant president led us into a foolish war. At 2:05, let's march to the White House and tell Bush that the citizens of this country do not support his war. We'll be peaceful, but we'll be heard.

We don't need permits, leaders, slogans, or megaphones. We just need everybody to show up.


Go to the nearest Federal building, stand outside, and tell the folks inside what you think of Bush's war. If there's no Federal building nearby, go to City Hall. If you're a college student, rally at your school's administration building. Call the media and tell them where you'll be.


If everybody shows up, but the war's still on, let's do it again on December 7 [first Sat. of the month and also the anniversary of the invasion of Pearl Harbor], and again on the first Saturday of every month until Bush listens or the crisis is over.


For updates, details, and more information and links, go to


The web is all about info, and there's a lot out if it there. Find a few links to get you started here:

I'll post more as we go along.

Peace, Love, and God Bless America,

John G


Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously
by Osho.

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