Becoming Consciously Self-Realized Beings

Angels as beings of Light transcend every religion, every philosophy,
and every creed. Angels have no religion as we know it.
Their existence precedes every religious system
that has ever existed on Earth.

Fable upon fable, and mystery upon mystery surrounds the ancient civi­lization of Atlantis, so much so that many writers have questioned its legendary status. Things that should not have been forgotten were lost ­ history became legend, legend became myth, and yet a time has come when the Angels will once more help to shape the fortunes of the race of men.

My purpose in writing is to illuminate the significance of how the sa­cred wisdom of Atlantis drenched the human species with the knowledge of drawing spirit into embodiment. How through a profound reverence for the divine in nature, a powerful bond was created between the celestial and the profane realms of the Universe.

The people of Atlantis experienced a way of being alive that vibrated in concord with a completely different biochemistry from our contemporary molecular status. Their 'super-coherence' was created and nourished by an octave of spiritual intelligence far surpassing anything we currently attain, except perhaps for a few notable exceptions, and it is information about this coherence that I am particularly interested in sharing.

Vibrating Refined States of Love within Physical Embodiment

Today, there are a few notable human beings, not unlike the Atlantean Atla Priesthood, who through lifetimes of karmic cleansing, have reached a point of rare loving. Who, through years of spiritual quest have sought a point of optimum being-ness, who through disciplined service to the Divine have achieved degrees of enlightenment that vibrate refined states of love within physical embodiment. These beings are the Bodhisattva -`the living saints' — currently seen in His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the recently departed Sathya Sai Baba, Ammachi the hugging mother, and Mother Meera, to name just a few.

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With their light in my consciousness, with instruction from my Angelic guides, a great desire has opened within my heart and soul to write about the Angels of Atlantis, so as to assist with your transformation during this current period of vast planetary and personal change — to create a bridge between Atlantean and post-nuclear man. For as we look around us at a world that is as volatile as a churning ocean, we may steady ourselves by taking a firm grasp of the eternal maxims of love and joy that lie between the old western mechanistic establishment and the new paradigm of won­drous proportion — the dawning of Aquarius.

As we swim abreast this surge, as we gasp air for another life affirming breath, as we view safe hope of land, we may see a radically new landscape before us — we may see a paradise where such inner transformation occurs that we are raised to a wholly new level of consciousness, just as we were before in Atlantis.

Our Vision: Becoming Consciously Self-Realized Divine Beings

Becoming Consciously Self-Realized BeingsBefore us lies a vision of ourselves as luminous creative beings, engaged in the evolutionary impulse of the cosmos, and through each passage or step becoming consciously self-realized divine beings. In this state we may em­body an impulse of love so great, that our physical presence will be transfig­ured, and we will become like orbs of light, transfixed by our energy field.

Behind us, lies a rough landscape of challenging definition, strewn with the debris of our growth pains, chaotic in the extreme as we surface from the depths of its shadow, and yet freshly illuminated by the notion of our soul's love — constant, eternal and brimming with unconditional fervour. For make no mistake, if we open our heart's secret cham­ber and unpack its love filled treasure chest, full of the most precious jewels of joy, compassion, empathy, patience, grace, gratitude, freedom, hope and passion, we may truly inherit the joy that is our divine birth-right.

Embracing the Notion of LOVE Continuously in Our Consciousness

Just as it was in Atlantis, if we embrace the notion of LOVE through con­tinuous moments of our consciousness, that is with a degree of conviction that gestures LOVE IS ALL THERE IS, we blast open the furnace of our spiritual conviction, and the intelligence and compassion of an ancient way of loving sears through our living. Therefore, a trajectory to heaven is forged.

When the vibration of our soul's note moves us to ecstasy — the unique signature note that is the sonic talisman to this sacred impulse sounded into creation by our heart — we produce a key harmony in human form that stops the symphonic movement of the Cosmos in a second of bated breath. This could be a moment of such exquisite proportion that we would liter­ally hear the voice of the Angels chanting to us, reminding us that our inheritance is to manifest the gifts of grace and truth here on Earth.

The Angels of Atlantis are:

GABRIEL — The Divine Messenger

HANAEL — The Sacred Warrior

JOPHIEL — The Holy Liberator

METATRON — The Supernal Teacher

MICHAEL — The Cosmic Leader

RAPHAEL — The Holy Healer

RAZIEL — The Divine Mysteries

SANDALPHON — The Sacred Guardian

SHAMAEL — The Divine Guide

URIEL — The Eternal Companion

ZADKIEL — The Divine Comforter

ZAPHKIEL — The Sacred Lover

©2011 by Stewart Pearce. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Findhorn Press.

This article was adapted with permission from the book:

The Angels of Atlantis: Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever
by Stewart Pearce.

The Angels of Atlantis by Stewart PearceBased on the teachings of the 12 archangels of Atlantis, this spiritual resource reveals how to become aligned with their power and wisdom. A series of exercises awakens the archetypal guidance of each incredible force, creating a spiritual environment in which joy and well-being are sustainable.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.

About the Author

Stewart Pearce, author of the article: Awareness & Heart-Centered Consciousness Ushers in A New Golden Age

Stewart Pearce is a world renowned Voice Coach with a career spanning three decades, enhancing the presentations of wonderful people like Vanessa Redgrave, Diana Princess of Wales and Anita Roddick. Stewart was Head of Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy from 1980-1997, and Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe from 1997-2008. Stewart is also an inveterate Sound Healer, Seer and Angel Medium, having received a body of work through Angelic transmission during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. This temple of sound healing teaches the intelligence and compassion of the heart through the breath of the song of the soul. Visit his website at