The Law of Your Life: Looking Into The Present With Joy

We do live in a spiritual universe, a universe that is intelligent and creative, and it is a thing of law and order.

The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To It all things are possible. To us as much is possible as we can conceive, according to Law.

Should all the wisdom of the Universal be poured over us we should yet receive only that which we are ready to understand. This is why some draw one type of knowledge and some another and all from the same Source — the Source of all knowledge. The scientist discovers the principle of his science, the artist embodies the spirit of his art, the saint draws spiritual awareness into his being, all because they have courted the particular presence of some definite concept.

Each state of consciousness taps the same Source but has a different receptivity. Each receives what he asks for, according to his ability to embody. In this way the Universal is infinite, the possibility of differentiating is limitless.

Arguing Over Things That Cannot Be Answered?

We waste much time in arguing over things that cannot be answered. When we have arrived at the ultimate, that is the ultimate; it is the way the thing works. Therefore we have a right to say that there is a Law involved and that this Law executes our word or prayer.

We discover laws, find out how they work, and then begin to use them. Therefore we say it is the nature of thought and of creative Law to be this way.

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I would say that Law is an attribute of God. God did not make Law; It co-exists with the Eternal. The infinite Law and the infinite Intelligence are but two sides of the infinite Unity; one balances the other and they are the great personal and impersonal principles in the universe. Evolution is the out-working of that which is tangible and mechanical, and involution is the in-working of the conscious and the volitional.

Indeed, the religious instinct is so firmly implanted that it is inseparable from life and living. According to our belief in God will be our estimate of life here and hereafter. To believe in a God of vengeance is one thing, but to believe in a God of Love and a just Law of Cause and Effect is another.

We live in a universe of Spirit and of Law. From the one we are to draw inspiration, from the other we are to utilize power. Each is a complement to the other and both are necessary to existence.

What Do We Choose to Believe In?

The Law of Your Life: Inspiration and PowerTo believe in a just Law of Cause and Effect, carrying with it a punishment or a reward, is to believe in righteousness. To believe in eternal damnation for any soul is to believe in an infinite monstrosity, contradicting the integrity of the universe, and repudiating any eternal loving-kindness inherent in God.

To feel that we suffer for our mistakes is justice, but to feel that our mistakes are eternal is to be already in the suppositional hell of a false theology. A sin is a mistake, a mistake is a sin; both will ultimately be done away with.

To believe that evil draws as great benefits as goodness from the storehouse of God is unthinkable, and to feel that some are foredoomed forever to be evil is also unthinkable. It denies solidarity to the universe and creates a house eternally divided against itself.

Looking Into The Present With Joy — "Abiding In Faith"

No man robs us of our own soul, and our spirit is already one with the eternal Goodness. Everyman's belief is good insofar as it is in line with Reality.

The past is behind and whatever doubt it may have held is gone with it. The future is before, bright with prospects; the eternal sun of righteousness is ever ascending, never to descend.

Let us look toward the high goal of lasting attainment, fearless and happy. Let us live in the present, looking neither backward in horror, nor forward with apprehension, but looking into the present with joy — "abiding in faith."

Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA).
©1962, 2010. All rights reversed.

Article Source

Living Without Fear
by Ernest Holmes.

Living Without Fear by Ernest Holmes.Does fear stop you from living your life to the fullest? In Living Without Fear, Ernest Holmes brilliantly navigates the reader through and away from anxiety, despair, and stress and toward the path to a richer experience in living. Learn to think constructively and creatively and to liberate yourself, finally, from all limitations so you can lead a life of greater health, happiness, and abundance.

Click Here For More Info or to Order This Book.

About the Author

Ernest Holmes, author of: Living Without FearErnest Holmes (1887 – 1960) was the founder of the worldwide Religious Science Movement. A uniquely gifted scholar with a vast command of the world’s spiritual philosophies, his magnum opus, The Science of Mind, has been in continuous print since 1926. Other inspirational works include Creative Mind, This Thing Called You, The Art of Life, Creative Mind and Success, Love and Law, The Hidden Power of the Bible, and many others.