F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness Cover

"F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness" by Shawn Léon Nowotnik challenges the modern obsession with the pursuit of happiness, critiquing the superficial promises of a happiness-centric culture.

The book invites readers on an unconventional journey that transcends shallow ideals to explore authenticity, meaning, and the complexities of human existence. Nowotnik examines societal expectations and the commercialization of happiness, revealing the transient nature of external joys and the disillusionment that often follows their pursuit.

Emphasizing the importance of authenticity, the author encourages embracing the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences as a pathway to a more fulfilling life. Through insightful analysis and candid reflections, "F*ck Happiness" offers an alternative perspective that values depth and meaningful engagement with life over the relentless chase for happiness.