The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind, and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing Cover

No disease is incurable. Extraordinarily rapid, miraculous healing is possible. During a near-death experience, an end-stage terminal cancer patient with hours to live had a profound, emotionally transformative experience in which she let go of all fear—she rallied and became cancer free in a few short weeks. Brain scans revealed that a multiple-personality sufferer becomes physically blind in only one of ten personalities—when a new personality emerges, her sight returns. A devout woman, body twisted, wasted, and brought to the brink of death by sixteen years of multiple sclerosis, heard a Voice, stood up, and walked—she was completely healed in minutes.

Modern physics, not medicine, can explain extraordinary healing. Despite the fact that these and thousands of similarly amazing cases have been medically verified, most doctors and, indeed, most people believe that such cases simply cannot be true because the science underlying modern medicine doesn't provide any explanation for how such extraordinarily rapid physical change could be possible. Medicine's underlying science, however, has changed little despite nearly a hundred years of breakthroughs in physics—such as matter-energy equivalence, nonlocality, and the holographic principle—breakthroughs that do provide scientific explanations for these cases.

You have innate soul powers for self-healing. Modern physics' breakthroughs—along with scientifically verified phenomena such as the placebo effect and the widely studied negative impact of fear, anger, and depression on health—support millennia-old spiritual traditions that suggest that not only is extraordinary, miraculous healing possible, but that we have innate soul powers—our emotions, personal beliefs, and our ability to connect to Spirit—that directly and powerfully determine our health and ability to self-heal. Our soul powers can be methodically used to develop resilient health and to increase our ability to self-heal from serious, even terminal, disease.

In this book you will find many practical ways to awaken and strengthen positive emotion, increase your life force, develop health-creating beliefs, and make a transformative connection to Spirit. Practices and techniques include: meditation, deep relaxation, affirmation, energization, concentration, and more. The Physics of Miraculous Healing is a companion to Selbie's Amazon Best-Sellers, The Physics of God and Break Through the Limits of the Brain. These books are bridges of understanding between the modern evidence-based discoveries of science and the timeless experience-based discoveries of the mystics.